Walter Elias Disney
Dissertation : Walter Elias Disney. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Clara.a • 11 Octobre 2017 • Dissertation • 367 Mots (2 Pages) • 880 Vues
Walter Elias Disney, known as Walt Disney, was born December 5, 1901 in Chicago and died on December 15, 1966. He is known as producer, director, screenwriter, actor and animator of American cartoons. He founded Walt Disney Company in 1923 and became progressively one of the most famous film producers. Walt Disney is also the creator of the first "theme park", inventing this concept.
Walt Disney is also known to be a storyteller and television star. He and his team have created several of the most famous characters in the world, one of which is considered a romantic interpretation of several journalists like his alter ego: Mickey Mouse.
The Walt Disney compagny
For more than 90 years, Disney has been a leader in family entertainment. From its humble beginnings as a cartoon studio in the 1920's to its current international presence, Disney continues to bring entertainment for all ages and cultures.
The company was created in 1923 by Walt Disney, its original name was then Disney Brothers Studios. From 1923 to 1966, the company continued innovations: short films, feature films and opening
in 1955 of the first theme park: Disneyland. In 1966 the company reached a turning point after the death of Walt Disney. His brother Roy Oliver Disney decides to continue Walt's work but little innovation is born, for 20 years the company simply continues the activities put in place during the Walt era.
From 1984 onward and a nearly successful takeover bid for Disney, the group decided to hire Michael Eisner as CEO of the group that will diversify and internationalize the Disney company.
In 1986 she took the name of The Walt Disney Company. The company then returns to a new golden age chaining the cinematographic successes: (the beautiful and the beast, the lion king ...), commercial ... which allows visibility and diversification of the group on a global scale.
In 2005 Robert Iger replaces Michael Eisner and reorganizes the image of Disney in the media. He also modernized the Disney productions by buying the Pixar studios and later by Marvel and Lucasfilm.
In 2013 Walt Disney is therefore a solid group of entertainment globally. A colossus that nothing seems to shake and that grows year by year by buying back its competitors