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Biographie de Victor Hugo

Commentaire de texte : Biographie de Victor Hugo. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Septembre 2018  •  Commentaire de texte  •  405 Mots (2 Pages)  •  675 Vues

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Séance 1 – anglais

The United Kingdom is made up of Scotland, Wales, England and Northen Ireland. The UK Parliament is made up of the Chamber of the Lords, ie the upper chamber and the Chamber of the Commons, ie the lower chamber, and the sovereign/monarch.

State opening happens on the first day of a new parliamentary session or shortly after a general election.

What happens during state opening ?

It's the only regular occasion rulen the three parts of Parliament (the soveign, house of Lords and house of Commons) meet.

The Queen's speech :

Although the Queen reeds the speech, it is written by the government (the Prime Minister). It contains an outline of the politics and proposed legislation for the new Parliamentary session.

What happens after State Opening ?

After the debates have ended the Lords (= sénateurs) and MP's (= députés) begin their work of debating, sucritinising and amending lesgislatin a holding the government to account.

Rappel : on met "the" devant les noms de regroupements de pays :

the United Kingdom (le Royaume-Uni)

the United States (les Etats-Unis)

the Netherlands (les Pays-Bas)

the EU (l'Union Européenne, UE)

mais pas de "the" devant les pays "classiques" : France, Germany, Japan, Russia, Austria, etc.

Report to the class :

  • pas de commentaire
  • pas d'apport personnel
  • pas de "we can see", etc
  • sign posting : let's move on TO

The Europe (Youuurope), the EU

members, lords

MP's (mpiiize)

Her majesty's government will (not she)

legislation (ledjislation)

Ensuite/après = Then        / After that/this = after + complétement

must/had to , will/would , can/could , may/might , shall/should

Séance 2 – jeudi 27 septembre 2018

mace = sceptre , it is placed on the table of the House, it's the symbol of royal authority

to secure = garantir ; to comitted to = s'engager

to commit oneself to something

A bill = projet de loi ; to enact a law = promulger une loi

to repeal = abroger

act = loi sur...

seek = rechercher à. (seeeeek) ; businesses (bizzzz)

custom = douane (signifie aussi coutume)

implement = mettre en oeuvre

strenghten = renforcer

through = par/au moyen de/grâce à (throoou)

although = malgré

a new bill will also be brought forward : un nouveau projet de loi sera présenté

her majesty's ministers will...

to fund, funded, funded = financer


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