11 057 Art dissertations gratuites 10 471 - 10 485
The light
The light Conception For understanding the mood of the game, please listen to this track during reading: The Light is a narrative point and click adventure inspired by Hemingway novels. The main hero gets a job of light keeper on a small island in the middle of the sea. He
322 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Long Walk to freedom
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzis entitled The Long Walk to freedom. It's his autobiography written in 1995 and Brand new device, talks about the iPhone 5. The title tells us a lot about his work. It shows the fact that it takes a long time to achieve freedom. So he tells what he lived
416 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Manantali Dam
The Manantali Dam In 1972, the OMVS was formed with the objective of damming the Senegal River in order to advance irrigation agriculture, hydrologic energy, and navigation for transporting goods throughout the Senegal River Valley.31 OMVS, representing hydrologic interests of government officials in Mali, Senegal, and Mauritania, was created to
1 950 Mots / 8 Pages -
The Maze Runner /« L'Épreuve : Le Labyrinthe » ,film réalisé par West Ball
« The Maze Runner », plus connu sous le titre québécois « L'Épreuve : Le Labyrinthe » est un film réalisé par West Ball tiré du premier tome du cycle de roman « L’Épreuve » de James Dashner. C’est une trilogie, « Le Labyrinthe » est sorti en 2014 :
480 Mots / 2 Pages -
The mechanics of destruction
Nom de l’œuvre, du compositeur, pseudonyme utilisé, année de composition L’œuvre s'intitule The mechanics of destruction. Elle a été composée par Matthew Herbert en 2001, mais pour cette œuvre, Matthew utilise le pseudonyme « Radio Boy ». Rapide biographie du compositeur Matthew Herbert, né en 1972 à Londres, est un
648 Mots / 3 Pages -
The Metropolitan Museum
THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM In the twentieth century, the Metropolitan Museum of Art's, affectionately called the MET, had become one of the world's most appreciated arts center just as much as the British Museum(1753) and the Louvre (1793). The Met is the second most visited Museum in the world. With the
3 131 Mots / 13 Pages -
The Minimalist of Suzhou Museum
The Minimalist of Suzhou Museum The Minimalist of Suzhou Museum EE3AH3 CN Architectural Humanities 3 Critical Theory and Interpretation AH-CHOON Clarence 6509878 ________________ Introduction The essay will look at how the Suzhou museum can be seen as a minimalist architecture with the use of the famous quote “less is more”
3 673 Mots / 15 Pages -
The mystery of the manor
The mystery of the manor. Once upon a time, about thirty years ago, an old man called Mr Johnson was living in a manor in the Scottish countryside. Nobody really knew him, he was a very discreet man, he seldom left his manor. But there was a scary rumor about
423 Mots / 2 Pages -
The nightmares of the clone troopers
21/06/2022 The nightmares of the clone troopers : Every night when a clone trooper goes to sleep, he finds himself revisiting the same nightmare. He enters a world of fog and shadow, all at once familiar and terrifying. All around him the dins of battle echo, the screams of dying
371 Mots / 2 Pages -
The notion " Spaces and exchanges "
The notion "Spaces and exchanges" deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day
281 Mots / 2 Pages -
The notion of semi-livings Does it relates to the concept of biomedia?
David Chabot 7544588 CART 255 Christopher Salter 2015-04-20 The notion of semi-livings Does it relates to the concept of biomedia? Both artists and scientists are always seeking for new methods and techniques to innovate in their field. Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr are great examples of innovators in their fields.
1 337 Mots / 6 Pages -
The pink and blue project de JeongMee Young
Diapo 1 : Bjr je vais vous présenter une œuvre de JeongMee Yoon qui s'intitule « The pink and blue project ». Sommaire Diapo 2 : Montrer les images et lire la légende JeongMee Yoon a fait une série de + de 50 photographies. Je vais vous parlez de 2
676 Mots / 3 Pages -
The Portable Memorial
À gauche, donc, on distingue trois éléments importants: d'une part, un soldat tentant de se cacher sous une poubelle renversée. En arrière plan, l'imitation d'un mur sur lequel est collée une affiche de l'Oncle Sam utilisé comme outil de propagande avec écrit "I Want You For U.S Army". Et au
481 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Problem We All Live With
ur cette peinture on remarque une petite fille noire qui se trouve au centre de l’image. Elle est habillée d’une robe blanche, elle porte des baskets blanches et ses cheveux noire sont tressés. Elle tient des affaires scolaires et est en train de marcher car elle doit sans doute être
353 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Problem We All Live With
DA The Problem we all live with Intro : The Problem We all live with ( le problème avec lequel on vit tous )a été réalisé par Norman Rockwell en 1963. C’est un peintre américain, né en 1894 et mort en 1978. Il ne se définissait pas comme un peintre mais
980 Mots / 4 Pages