- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Working on a film set in Hollywood

Analyse sectorielle : Working on a film set in Hollywood. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Juin 2020  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  304 Mots (2 Pages)  •  799 Vues

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NAME:                                                                 2de 16 – Mrs Burdett


Manuel “SHINE BRIGHT” – File 10 – page 100 à 111 -

A DEPOSER SUR LE DRIVE SUIVANT BY THURSDAY, MAY, 14TH :[pic 1]                                                                                  [pic 2]

Fiche 1

DOC A – page 100

Working on a film set in Hollywood

Watch the video and present Andrew’s job, what he learnt and what he enjoyed.

[pic 3]

Andrew’s job

what he learnt…

what he enjoyed…

How do you say ?

Un premier rôle// acteur principal :

Un figurant :

La foule :

Avant :

Un plateau de cinéma :

DOC B – page 101-

[pic 4]

Read the ad and fill in the grid:

What kind of job

What it consists in

Qualities needed

Skills needed

List all the words you didn’t know and find their translation.

DOC C – page 101

Read the text.[pic 5]

What kinds of jobs can you get in Silicon Valley?

Find 3 reasons why it appeals so much to young people:




Translate the following expressions in French:

To cast a spell:

To top the list of:


To embrace:


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