Étude de cas : Hommage. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar lamakos • 20 Décembre 2018 • Étude de cas • 890 Mots (4 Pages) • 643 Vues
One /- What is the difference between economics, finance, and accounting?
Donc la finance se concentre entièrement sur la maximisation de la richesse, contrairement à la finance l'économie se concentre sur l'optimisation des objectifs valorisés. |
So finance focuses entirely on maximizing wealth, unlike finance the economy focuses on optimizing valued objectives. |
Two /- Who is the CFO? Where does this individual fit in the corporate hierarchy, and what are some of his or her responsibilities?
CFO est le cadre supérieur responsable de la gestion des opérations financières d'une entreprise, ses fonctions, consistent notamment à suivre les flux de trésorerie et la planification financière, et à analyser les forces et faiblesses financière de l'entreprise, et à proposer des actions correctives, puisque il est un trésorier ou un contrôleur donc, il est responsable de la gestion des divisions des finances, et de la comptabilité et assuré que les rapports financiers de la société sont exacts et complétés à temps. |
CFO is the senior executive responsible for managing a company's financial operations, including monitoring cash flow and financial planning, analyzing the company's financial strengths and weaknesses, and proposing corrective actions. Since he is a treasurer or controller, he is responsible for the management of the finance and accounting divisions and ensures that the company's financial reports are accurate and completed on time. |
Three /- What are the key differences between proprietorships, and corporations? And what is their equivalents in the Moroccan context?