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Contrôle de rattrapage

Dissertation : Contrôle de rattrapage. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Octobre 2019  •  Dissertation  •  355 Mots (2 Pages)  •  545 Vues

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Contrôle de rattrapage

Music is really a way for me to escape when i feel sad, angry or stressed. I like music for the emotions it can cause like excitation, calm, rage, serenity, hate and love ; and also for the story that the song tells. Music has an ability to make me travel in time and in space. Music helps me a lot to relax and be more attentive to the people around me. This allows us to put all our feelings in texts and melodies. It is the only international language that is understood by all people of all origins…

Music is the cure for all my troubles, the music soothes, (appaise) makes happy, accompanies good as bad times.

Music denounces and makes think and conveys emotions that no words can describe.(129 mots)

These things make me enjoy listening to music.

In the world, there is a lot of music genre, I don’t necessarily have a specific musical style. I listen in particular reggae, rap, pop… What I like about rap songs is to listen the lyrics when they are interesting, because it makes us open our eyes on some facets of the world. In each moment we expect a different effect from the music. When we are sad we tend to put slow and soothing music that usually makes us cry while, when we are happy, we prefer to put lively songs that make us dance and sing. And sometimes we just want to lie on our bed and listen to the lyrics of the songs. ( 253 mots) During the day I listen music almost all the time, I put it when I get ready in the morning, in the shower, on my scooter, when I do my homeworks, when I play sport… When I am alone I put immediately music. I have all the time my headphones in my bag to be able to listen to my music when I have a available moment.

So there are plenty reasons to love listening to music that are unique to everyone. In the world there is a very big variety of music styles for all tastes


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