Motivation letter
Analyse sectorielle : Motivation letter. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar carolinapolyviou • 5 Novembre 2019 • Analyse sectorielle • 627 Mots (3 Pages) • 553 Vues
Carolina A----- P------
DOB: 02-05-2000
To the Admissions Board,
Societies rely on law to avoid chaos and conflict and to keep adapting and improving. Legal studies offer the opportunity to understand what is, in my opinion, the most important agent of social change. However, with a Portuguese mother, a Cypriot father and having grown in two countries and a European school that reunites so many nationalities, for me, one national law system would not be enough to even remotely understand the complexity of the world we live in or deal with any of what I like to believe are true social challenges.
In 2018 I graduated from the English section of the European School of ---- and decided to take a year off to clear my thoughts and interests. I had always wanted to study law but when I realized that studying a national law course in any country would not allow me to meet the expectations I have for my future, I was lost and felt as if the passion I had been cultivating ever since a young age was fading away. It was not until I had this year off to visit places I had and had never been to that I understood that it was not vanishing, on the contrary, it was growing and my horizons were expanding.
While in the Netherlands for a week, I met so many people that reminded of my international school and of all the societies I would love to understand and be a part of, I knew then that this was my place. I began informing myself and found your Global Law course, the program, the campus and the fact that Tilburg University is in the top global rankings, a founding partner of the LSGL and has so many partner universities truly attract me.
As you can see on my CV, I speak six languages, crucial for communication which is necessary for this course. I have great understanding and a solid education in subjects I studied for most of my school years like mathematics, philosophy, ethics, history and geography. In these last two we had to deal with countless global issues and compare how each society reacted to them.
In my two years as student representative in the school, in the regional council and also in CoSup, the student group of all European schools, I had to show my leadership skills, provide a voice for students while ensuring improvement in scholastic (and non) aspects. These opportunities helped me grow and truly understand myself. I learnt to relate with people, find common points and a way to solve contrasting ideas and points of view.
As to my personality, I am open-minded, curious, extroverted and determined. I know my limits and do anything in my power to achieve what I truly set my mind to. I think I am an honest and available friend and I always try to help anyone in need. Considering my education, grades and character I believe I am fit for the course and by being a part of it I could help others cultivate a passion for diversity, share international experiences and help them learn things I might have already studied.
In the future I hope to have the possibility to work in an international organization, most likely after pursuing a Master’s program. I do not know what program or where but considering my interests it will presumably be related to international issues and who knows, maybe politics. I expect this program to help me understand how laws are shaped, changed and sometimes harmonized and how consequently they shape politics, economy and the society. I am also certain this program will help me better understand what I will want to pursue in the future.