Le bonheur - dissertation
Dissertation : Le bonheur - dissertation. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Ouvard Mathieu • 22 Octobre 2017 • Dissertation • 363 Mots (2 Pages) • 959 Vues
Oral Anglais
aide humanitaire :
With is 7000 km range from Cap Verde to Florida, 40 deaths and a dozen of territories afected, this catastrophy has obvsiously necesited help plans from the states touched. The damages needed the intervention of
speeches :
Obsiously, Has the Irma hurricane monopolized the media attention, the leader of the countries needed to express their support to the victims. As we saw it recently with the official travel of Donald Trump in Porto Rico after the Maria hurricane, it's not an easy task to come to an island where the large majority of the houses where destroyed and the population has lost everything.
The situtation in florida after the huricanne required the US president to express his support to his own country and to show his citizens that they are not left to themselves even if in this rich state with modern buildings the damages where far less criticals than in small Atlantic islands.
As we seen it before, France has also been strongly touched by Irma in overseas departments as Saint-Barthélemy for exemple. But if the two leaders were confront to a similar situation, they both have adopted very different
positions : one as a symbol of the presence of the State, the other as a war chief.
In fact Trump didn't went immediatly to florida after the storm but 2 weeks after the disaster. Then he first addressed to the saviors and the police and not to the victims wich was strongly criticized in USA. He came to Florida with the speech of someone who defeated the hurricane has he personally fought against it. On of his speech's goal is to show that his nation can face this event but also to reinforce his position on environmental issues.
On the other hand Macron went to the french territories to re-establish the order and to show them that even if they aren't geographicaly close to the head of the state they are treaten as any other french. He dared to face the reality and to say to the inhabitants that the state wont be able to reconstruct the houses as it where before wich can be very hard to say.