La Bible
Commentaire d'arrêt : La Bible. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar maxow7 • 23 Avril 2021 • Commentaire d'arrêt • 1 365 Mots (6 Pages) • 365 Vues
Maxime Trabichet
Maxime Trabichet
Mr Bill Day
Introduction of the bible 1
Book Report
A Newcomer's Guide To The Bible
This book sumariz all the story and all the book of the Bible, it explains what happened at each period and who were the principal caracters. This book report is the summary of the chapter 10 through the chapter 17.
The chapter 10
This chapter contains several books who are talking about the transition from the leadership of Moses and the death of Joshua to the crowning of the first King. Chapter ten contains 12 books. We do not know who wrote all the books, some of these were written anonymously.
The first book is Joshua's book, the main topic is the conquest of the of Canaan's Land. The second boo, is the book of Judges, Judges were between the death of Joshua and the crowning of Saul , the first king of Isreal. Ruth is the third book, story between Ruth and landwoner called Boaz. The main topic of this book is the love and the compassion. After that, this is the record of the whole story of the Israelien's monarchy, from the first King to destruction of Jerusalme by the Babylonian Empire. There is two book of Samuel, the first one is about Saul's reign and the second one about Samuel covering the reign of King David. Then we have two books named kings, in the first, it is narrate the rule of king Salomon, the temple that he built, his death and the divided kingdom. In the second book it is narrate the destruction of the northern kingdom Israel by the Assyrians. After we have two other books untitled chronicles, it is convering whole the time of the divided kingdom, the periode between the destruction of Jerusalem through the rebuilding of the city years later. The next two books are Ezra and Nehemiah's book, it is the rebuilding and reforming of Jerusalem. The book of Esther is the last of this chapter, she was a Jewish who had became queen of the Medo-persian empire and she saved Jews from a massacre. It is 50 years after the enslavary of the Jews to the return to Jerusalem.
The chapter 11
There is two different part in this chapter, Joshua's leading and Israel's Judges. In the first part, it explains the setting of each government for the 12 tribes of Israel. After Joshua's death, the situation becam worse because they started to worship other gods, Baal and Astarte, where the worshiping was dangerous for Hebrews because it was against God's covenants as murder a children, to have a sexual immorality. Then God turn them back and wait 40 years until that generation die.
The second part is about Israel's Judges, Judges were deliverers or ruler. At this period every single time Israel abandonned God and repented after to be enslaved, Judges protected them and delivered them. It is the cycle of sin. In Judges 4-5 it is the destruction of Jabin's army by a woman called Deborah. In judges 6-8 it is when God chose Gideon and destroyed the Midianites with just 300 men. Judges 7-16, periode of time of Samson, Who had a super strength, his wickness was his hair. He destroyed Philistines, I was betrayed by his wife who knew his wickness, he became enslaved by Philistines but he finished by killing 3000 people in toppling two pillar of the palace of the Philistines leader. The itw as the time of the last Judges Samuel, his mother gave him to a priest named Eli, Eli became corrupt then Samuel became the only and last leader.
The chapter 12
The newcomer's Book talking about 3 people during the priode of time of the United Kingdom, these people are the 3 first kings, Saul, David, Salomon. The first King was Saul after Samuel, he was rejected because he had an evil nature. He was engage in a war where one warrior was 9 feet tall. It was Goliath, a young shepperd named David decided to fight him, he won. Saul became jealous and tried to kill him but god blessed David. God sent Saul and his son to a war and they were killed. Then David became the King of Israel, David brought the Ark of the covenant and made Jerusalem the capitol of Israel, David expande dis empire. In the recording of his life, David commited a sin, he stole Uriah's wife Bathsheba and sent her husband to the battle where he died. Then punish him, God killed his first son. David was famous by his faith in God. Then He had another son, Salomon who built the first temple for God. Salomon was famous for his wisdom. But he did a mistake, he had 100 wives then he allowed them to worship their own gods, the itw as the beginning of a new cycle of sin.