The immigrant
Étude de cas : The immigrant. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar charlotttetettet • 24 Mars 2019 • Étude de cas • 438 Mots (2 Pages) • 514 Vues
The film who we going to talk about is the immigrant, of James Gray publish in 2013. It’s the story about two Polish sisters, how arrived in new york during the 1920’.
The first location of the film is ellis island, during it we see a lot of things like the contrôle of the doctors, the need to be sure of the health of everybody, Ewa, the Polish coming through in Ellis Island when her sickly sister is under quarantine by the doctors. She is sprung from deportation by a well-dressed man named bruno, who gives her board and lodging. In the follow scenes ewa going to do all she can to try to save her sister witch is remained at the hospital and bruno is going to force ewa to prositute herself, she gonna do things thats she doesn’t want to do but she had no choices.
When she arrived the think america gonna be amazing but after a couple of days she is not as enthusiastic as the begining. She is very alone, and she doesn’t earn enought money.
We can also think that move in america was not the best solution.
She was separated of her sister at first, then she find « a job » if we can name it like that, but she was not happy at least… But that’s not the same story for all migrants, for exemple we know thats ewa have an uncle in new york for how the life is good, he arrived to pass by the gaps to live in the united states.
By the way her uncle was tottaly horrible with her because he call the police when she came at his home for the night. She had trouble with the autorities just because he thinks that she was bad company for his wife.
To finish we can link this film with the notion spaces and exchanges because an immigrant is a person who go to another country and hope to have a better life there. And this mouvment create new society espacelly in the united states, because at this time in the 1920 there is a lot of migrants who arrived in this town, this period fortify the history of new york.
We can also link this film with the notion seats and forms of power because from start to finish some of people have more influence and are more strong than the other and the can do what they want, but we can also when we are not this type of person, do everythings in our power to beome one of them, and make decisions.