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Myhts and heroes, notion d'anglais

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Par   •  5 Mai 2016  •  Fiche  •  941 Mots (4 Pages)  •  974 Vues

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Myths and Heros

During this presentation I want to speak about the notion of « myhs and heros ». The first thing to do it’s to define the notions.

We can ask ourselves: how can we define a hero? And how important are they in our society? To answer this question, we will first talk about fictional heroes and myths. Then we will focus on real hero.

I/ Definitions

According to the dictionary definition a myth is a traditional story, concerning the early history of people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. 

A hero can be someone who is ready to sacrifices his or her life in order to make things avolved possitively. Then a hero in mythology and folklore, is a person of superhuman qualifies who is admired for his courage or extraordinary achievements. In the modern world, a hero has lost its ancient meaning. It now means someone who is courageous. They help in saving people or society from people, villains or natural disasters.A hero can also be someone who is helpful, polite or helps people who need it. So a hero can be a real or a fictitious person and he can come from the tradition or from the daily life.

I/ Fictitious myths and hero

In our society there are lots of fictitious myths and hero. Indeed, we can see that the myths and heroes have influenced our children life. The characters which is the hero of the story help the child to understand how the humans can resolve problems and the children can also identify himself to this characters. Heroes fight for the good causes and against the bad persons, children can learn what is good or bad. They also can learn important values like brave, courage.

In America there is lots of heroes who influence the children. They can be in a novel, comics or in a movie. For example we can speak about superman or batman. They symbolize the civism, the strength, courage, etc. They have many qualities and become a model, an ideal for kids who wants look like them and do what heroes do. 
In one sens, this incites children to be a good man or girl, with values, civism and so to be a good citizen. He is a role model.

II/ Real Heroes

This year we spoke about lots of national heroes in the class who defend the common right and values.

First, wes poke about the sufragists movement. In the 19 century woman were inferior to men. They was enable to take important descision for example. In the end of this century in the United Kingdom a movement was founded in reaction to this popular believe. The sufragists began the fight with peaceful methods. We spoke about an important person of this movement: Emely Pankhurst. In 1903 Emely and her daughters decided to go one step further and used more violent methods: they were called  The suffragettes (=women who wanted to fight for their rights like for a better education or for their votes). They were arrested and they went on hungerstrike in prison. Furthermore wes poke about Emily Davidson. In june 1913, she threw herself in front oft he Kin’s horse and she died. This shoking events marked a turning point in the struggle and the mentality started top evolve. Adeed to the fact, during the first world war women had to do mens jobs in the factories. They proved they could do like men. In 1918, women over 30 got the rights to vote. In 1927,women over 21 could vote. The suffragettes movement is a good example how iconic figurs  like Emily Davidson who willing sacrifing her life to prove that the inegality between mens and womens.    


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