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L'expression picturale dans Frankenstein

Analyse sectorielle : L'expression picturale dans Frankenstein. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  31 Janvier 2017  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  959 Mots (4 Pages)  •  776 Vues

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Definition :  It is the use of figurative langage,(more precisely langage that give us the ability to picturalise us the words) to represent object,actions and ideas. Often she uses adjectives and verbs that refer to our senses, or stylistic devices like methaphor and simile. Imagery is really based on the aim of giving us pictures so we can feel the ''reality'' of the book. Gothic is more pushed than Romantism, which is really focused on the feelings and emotions.

We are going to give you maybe not so much quotes and example because if you read ( in the past) the book, it is everywhere. So we will use the following ones as examples.

In the book we have seen that Mary shelley use ''Imagery'' in many ways to describe many things like 1) Description of settings or Charachter

                                          2) Light and Darkness ( with their caracteristics)


Important elements


Quotes pages and lines

-The Wind and the cold(a-b-c)

- The beauty of the setting(d)

- The Sun (e)

a)We have the location of St.Petersburg ->North

b)Adjectives for the cold : '' north,cold northern breeze,icy,pole''

c)the wind is related to his dreams and his determination  :'' breeze, this wind of promise,my day dreams become more fervent and vivid'' like the breeze.

d) Walton uses verbs like '' feeling'', descriptive sentences to talk about the beauty : '' region of beauty and delight ; perpetual splendour ; a land surpassing in wonders and beauty every region''

e) The sun has two signification. The first one is a real  observation of the phaenomena of the sun in North pole. Half year only sun and the other half… you know the end. It is obviously fascinating for Walton. The second one is that the sun represant also the '' perpetual'' light → related to the knowledge that W wants acces to.

In those lines, we can litterally imagine the scene and imagine ourselves in this scenario, bcs Shelley uses elements that have connections with our sensations and senses.

Real things are mixed with symbolisation

'' I am (…) globe'' p.5  l.6-22


- The sea ( water ) and the ground ( earth)(a)

- The noise(B)

a) we really live the scene through the eyes of victor even though it's related by Walton. In this part the sea is an element that gives oppresion to the charachter and the scene. And i's related to the noise too. There is an opposition between water and earth at the same time that V. and F. are confronting each other. Every movement of the water is related to us like we were watching it ( imagery)

'' thw water roalled, swelled'' ( view) and the earth too '' split, cracked''.

b) Without the noise, the previous elements would not have given the same impression of the scene. It plays a frigthning and enclosing feeling. '' ground sea was heard, the thunder ( it is also an important element of the ''atmosphere'', this nois announce smthg bad), every moment more omnious and terrific,, tremendous and over whelming sound, the sea roared ( personnification) → maybe the monster…

The senses are captivated and usesnot only with the fact (  description) but also with the atmosphere that's creating with the noise and the adjetivec for example.

''But now (…) hideous death'' p.177 l.3- 15


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