Exemple de fiche: Myth and hero: Mandela
Fiche : Exemple de fiche: Myth and hero: Mandela. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar coolgathe • 7 Décembre 2016 • Fiche • 708 Mots (3 Pages) • 4 100 Vues
NOTION: Myths and heroes
Title: « A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM » (Mandela)
Let’s deal with one of the most important hero of South Africa: Nelson Mandela. He fought against a myth: black people are inferior. At the middle of the twentieth century, in South Africa, the racist government set up a separation between black and white people called the “apartheid”. Because of the colour of their skin, black people were hated and treated like animals. However Nelson Mandela tried to change the situation and brought some hope in the black’s community who follow him during the struggle.
To begin with this iconic fight I’d like to give a definition of a myth and a hero. On the one hand, the myth is generally an ancient invented story dealing with gods, heroes and magic world, but also a popular belief on which social values are often based. While a hero is someone, real or fictive, who is ready to sacrifice her or his life in order to make admirable accomplishments thanks to his noble qualities.
What absolute ideal does he represent?
Firstly, the movie trailer is very spiritual and poetic because it’s full of symbols. We see Mandela walking in the mountain on a very sloping road like which suggests that black people life is not an easy path but that all people have to fight against discrimination. Mandela is still walking and will never stop defend his rights because there always is some hope. An optimist tomorrow is waiting for them like the sun rising is pointing out. Behind him, children are following him as if Mandela was a god showing them the good way. These children represent the destiny of South African people, a future of happiness, love and share. Indeed, laughing, the children are running like they were free and far from the horrible situation of the apartheid. Moreover, we can hear a sentimental music and the peaceful Mandela’s message which transmit the love of life. Mandela believes that all men were born naturally good and that it’s our society that teach them to become bad. Rising his fist he shows that the union do the strength. To make mentalities evolve, to be given the chance to live in a more egalitarian society they have to use a non-violent action.
In the same way, Mandela’s black and white photography portrait presents Mandela self-confident and hopeful. He’s looking straight forward like he was fixing us. His eyes have a bright light that convey inner beauty, forgiveness and wisdom. Moreover, his look expresses kindness, tenderness and accessibility for everyone: he could be the grandfather of everybody because he looks taking care of everyone, he is a protector. Indeed, his wrinkles and his grey hair indicate that he is already old. His old age suggests that he’s got a lot of experience and thinking. His massive shoulders mean that he is carried a whole nation on his back thanks to his strong position. Furthermore, Mandela looks happy and satisfied maybe because of the abolition of apartheid: he’s smiling modestly and humbly. Finally, the colour of the photography account for the union between black and white. Thanks to this respectable man, all are together. As well, black and white give more authenticity and reflect pure feelings as pure as Mandela.
To conclude, we can say that Nelson Mandela, despite all difficulties he went through, never renounced to his dream of a better society. He reached to bring peace in South Africa. He led people to freedom and overthrow racial prejudice. As South Africa’s president, he was respected for his courage and wisdom. All people remind that one man is able to change the whole world providing that he put all his strength in his dream.
People can project themselves into an ideal open to all.
(Another good example) In United States in 1955, Rosa Parks also became a symbol of freedom. Indeed, she refused to stand up in a bus although, at that time, the law said she had to give her place to white people. She was arrested so Martin Luther King decided to start actions against the bus company. This rebellion act marked a turning point in USA, a segregated country where there are still protest acts like those of Baltimore in our days.