Biography of Tom Cook
TD : Biography of Tom Cook. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Camille Etienne • 2 Octobre 2019 • TD • 460 Mots (2 Pages) • 669 Vues
Tim Cook has been born on the first of November 1960, in Alabama, United States.
His dad worked on a shipyard and his mother in a pharmacy. He graduate in the Robertsdale high school where he earned a bachelor of science in industrial engineering and a master of business administration.
After graduating cook spent 12 years in the IBM (international business machine cooperation) personal computer business.
After that he became the chief operating officer of the computer reseller division intelligent electronics, and to finish in 1997 he became the vice president for corporate materials at COMPAQ for 6 months.
In 1998, Steve Jobs asked Tim Cook to join Apple as senior Vice President for worldwide operations, after a lot of good ideas the group decided to invest on the long term with a big investissement, and that's how the iPod nano was created.
In 2007, cook was promoted to lead the operations and served as chief executive in 2009.
In January 2011, Apple's board of directors approved third medical leave of absence requested by Jobs.
During that time, Cook was responsible for most of Apple's day to day decisions, while Jobs made most of the major decisions.
Following the resignation of Steve Jobs for health reasons, the 24th of June 2011, Tim Cook took over the decision of the group that he has been for more than 13 years ago.
He is charismatic because he can lead a group of person and managed them to make a good work.
He is also very present and listens to his collaborators because for him working in a group is better than alone.
Tim Cook has a cooperative personality like we said the opinion of his collaborators interest him a lot.
Style of management
The management style used by Tim Cook is democratic.
It encourages the search for consensus, particularly among high-level employees, before mutual consent decision-making.
The role of the CEO's direct involvement in the development of Apple products has declined significantly since the acquisition of Cook in 2011.
The IWatch is an example of this change in structure since Cook has chosen to be less involved in the details of product engineering.
Instead, he delegated these tasks to members of his executive cabinet.
Tim Cook's leadership style is particularly subtle as it reinforces the goodwill of the industry and employees.
Contrary to the abrupt and often dictatorial way of Jobs. In a blatant shift from Jobs’ "innovation first" approach, Cook says "we can only do a lot of great things".
However, Tim Cook can make difficult decisions.
Apple dans le monde
Apple has also developed in the world.
The company is present in 25 countries around the world such as the United States or Australia. But also in Greenland and China.