Anglais, the roaring twenties
Dissertation : Anglais, the roaring twenties. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar raniabaroud • 18 Janvier 2020 • Dissertation • 1 100 Mots (5 Pages) • 751 Vues
During the 1920‘s, coloured people have been mistreated in almost every way possible. They were considered people of lower class, they faced many disadvantages, and obstacles, but they persevered. Coloured people fought for their freedom through many years of hard work and abuse. F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, The Great Gatsby, is considered by many as a good representative of this time period. It illustrates many problems of the time, and demonstrates racial intolerance in the 20th century. Today coloured people are treated better because . The evolution of racism and integration in the 1920 are different, in terms of jobs and educations they occupy, their rights, their freedom of speech, and their equality.
To begin in the 20th century coloured people did not have many job options, most of them couldn't even afford to go to school. They would often work in the music industry or hard labour, such as building roads, maids, butlers, and other jobs that were considered demeaning or hard working. “Schools for black Americans were deliberately kept inferior, so that they would remain uneducated and not advance in society… Textbooks were rare and class sizes were huge”. This quote shows that coloured schools were not in the best condition and did not have all the right tools to become successful in society. Unlike now, all schools have a certain expectation to set in order and stay open. In the novel The Great Gatsby, it is demonstrated that white people have better employment then coloured and can also afford more things . “His speaking voice, a gruff husky tenor, added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed. There was a touch of paternal contempt in it, even toward people he liked—and there were men at New Haven who had hated his guts. (1.20)” This quote exhibits that in the 1920’s, white people had many riches but while they were spending money like it was nothing there were black people that were working jobs that did not pay well. They couldn't afford any expenses such as cars, big houses, and even some of them food. Today coloured people have free education and all the tools possible to succeed and thrive in society. To conclude, coloured people are aloud to possess any expenses they want if they can afford it, thanks to the many varieties of jobs and education.
In addition, in the 1920 coloured people had to follow laws. These laws were called Jim Crow laws. These laws were established to segregate the coloured from the whites. The segregation laws would often consist of laws that differentiate the use of washrooms, the use of transportation and all the designate residential areas. White people justified their hate for the coloured. They would insult and abuse them physically/emotionally. “Civilization’s going to pieces,” broke out Tom violently, “I’ve gotten to be a terrible pessimist about things. Have you read ‘The Rise of the Colored Empires’ by this man Goddard?”. This demonstrates how the coloured people were hated for doing nothing wrong. They would create magazines and articles to put fear in people’s minds and keep racism alive in the communities. Despite persecution, coloured people have helped the economy grow stronger. Today, coloured people are accepted equal in the eyes of the law. Now there are no longer segregation laws. All people are treated equally in courts of law and there are