Anglais (page 37 : manuel Let's meet up)
Commentaire de texte : Anglais (page 37 : manuel Let's meet up). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Mona56 • 2 Janvier 2020 • Commentaire de texte • 850 Mots (4 Pages) • 2 432 Vues
1°Compréhension de l’écrit:
1. Indicated the nature and the main topic of the document.
The document is an article from the news paper called “The Guardian” written on the April 8 of 2018. The main topic is British jazz explosion, the emergence of the jazz music in Britain, it’s a review of a meeting where musicians rewrite the rule-book of jazz. Kate Hutchinson did an article about how the jazz perpetuated through the years and how musician continue to make it alive. She talks about great musician like Kendrick Lamar who made people rediscovered jazz , by including a piece of jazz music in his album called To Pimp a Butterfly in 2015.
2.Explain how these musicians manage to resuscitated jazz.
The musician Kendrick Lamar manage to mix hip-hop and jazz in his new album so that improve the popularity of jazz and resuscitate the jazz like a new type of music new and that correspond to our time. Tank to Tundercat and Washington they manage to created a fresh experimental-ism even though that people was septic. But they doesn’t care for snootiness. Increasingly clubs in UK they put their music, some time hip-hop, some time jazz or music from African and Caribbean diaspora. Giller Peterson noticed that the British “invasion” music started to get bigger and started to get more and more fan. The Broadcaster Teju adeley said that those singer that play jazz music are incredible.
3.Imagine why Kate Huchinson says this kind of jazz “doesn’t care for snootiness”
Snootiness mean arrogance, Kate try to say that even though people was making fun about the rebirth of jazz, so although all the critic she stay strong and continue to defend and support this cause. Despite following the view of the other people she try to created her own view about this subject.
4. Analyses the journalist’s view on this recent trend and evolution.
She succeeds in bringing the jazz reborn in conveying to the reader by present many example of people that support and manage to make the jazz rebirth, the writer’s relies on repetitions the importance of the influence of singer, they are the only people that can make jazz rebirth so she talked about independent like indie music that emerge a lot on our days. Singer like Kendrick Lamar made possible a new way to discovered jazz by making a mix of jazz and hip-hop that’s make an original and a modern way to make rebirth the jazz music and Kate support it. The evolution of this new trend bodes well by the new artistes that emerge and all the new music that created with some reference of jazz, it will make the jazz music immortal .
2° Expression écrite (10) :
Sujet1: How can new musical genres emerge today? You can discuss jazz as well as other new trends and artists.
Nowadays new musical genres emerge, thank to the new application of music like spotify and sound cloud that permit to the small singer and musician to created there communicated by those applications.
YouTube help theme by created there videos clip, for example on the channel of vevo. The jazz had been a really big and remarkable genre of music