Analogie de la publicité et du marketing
Chronologie : Analogie de la publicité et du marketing. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar abderrahmane belmouss • 22 Mai 2020 • Chronologie • 480 Mots (2 Pages) • 617 Vues
Analogy between publicity and marketing
Publicities are a glamorous profession that requires the practitioners to meet up with media and the public. Public relations are usually associated with glamorous people such as politicians, musicians, actors and actress. This is because they utilized and need public relations because their jobs involved the media and the public a lot. They need to be publicized and to give a clean image to the media and public constantly all the time. Public relations professionals are the one who will make sure that they get what they need. Marketing is an activity where an individual or organization creates and offers product and services based on identification of what the public wants and need. An exchange with the company will happen in order for the public to get what they want and need.
Marketing is the overall process of boosting public awareness of a product, person or service, while advertising and PR are promotion methods that fall under the ‘marketing’ umbrella term. The marketing team is responsible for planning the company’s promotion, right through from pinpointing a product’s target customer, researching the market and setting a marketing budget to putting on product launches and evaluating the success of the campaign. Jobs in marketing are usually found in large organisations that have in-house marketing teams, or you can find work with marketing agencies that other organisations go to when in need of marketing help. If you take up a career in this area, your responsibilities could involve conducting interviews and market research, creating website content, organising conferences or exhibitions, commissioning advertising and coming up with new ideas to market the product. When a marketing team decides it needs advertising as part of a campaign, it will go to an advertising agency. Sometimes a large marketing consultancy will have its own advertising department but most jobs in this area can be found in agencies.
Advertising is a method of persuading a target audience to buy a product. This is usually through television, radio, print publications, the internet, posters or billboards, but advertising agencies are always finding new and innovative ways of getting the message out to potential customers. If you go into advertising as a career, you could work on the creative side, developing the concepts, words and artwork for the adverts, or on the account management side, liaising with the clients and discussing what they’re looking for. You could also work in media planning, deciding on the print space or air time needed to show the adverts and negotiating deals with newspapers or television channels, for example.
To conclude, Marketing is a more controlled and wider-reaching process, while advertising is specific to brand communication. In a way, marketing is both research and practice, while advertising is straight practice. Marketing involves consumer behavior and marketing research, while advertising involves creative endeavors like design and multimedia production.