Why do people tend to give drug a negative connotation?
Dissertation : Why do people tend to give drug a negative connotation?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar qwerty19 • 29 Mars 2017 • Dissertation • 485 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 081 Vues
Why do people tend to give drug a negative connotation? That is the question I will answer in this essay. Generally speaking, when the word "drug" is used, it is linked directly to other terms such as "violence", "crime", "overdose", "dirty money" without any justification for their use. This is the first and most common idea about drugs. But when you think more deeply, and you are interested in this topic, you can see and understand that drug users and drug sellers are the first victims of something much stronger than themselves.
In 1969, Richard Nixon became the 37th President of the United States. This appointment played an important role on drugs in the United States. In fact, he created and established the "War on Drugs", which prohibits and punishes anybody who sells, buys or consumes drugs in the US. This war has caused countless losses, both human and material and has led to the lost of $110 billion.
The drug world a cycle.
Let's take the case of a drug dealer: His name is Carl Johnson. Carl is 23 years old. Carl is an afro-american citizen. He lives in the Bronx with his uncle and his aunt and has one child, Lewis. Mr Johnson works in a supermarket as a cashier. His salary is around $1,392 per month. But Carl has a secret ; Carl actually earns $5,674 per week. Carl is a drug dealer. On June 14, 1974, Carl was arrested and sent to jail for 35 years. Carl loves his child. He has never killed or hurt someone but, the day he was arrested has marked the end of his life. After 4 years in jail, Carl decided to change his way of thinking about the laws and the government. The same government that threw him in jail. He decides after his passage in jail that he will work honestly and forget about his old drug life. In 1994, Carl was released and, as decided, wants now work in total legality. Thus, he applied for many jobs but unfortunately, he was rejected from all of them. Consequently, he returned the drug world. Three weeks later, Carl was killed by a policeman when he was trying to run away. The young Lewis is 22 now has no idea about what kind of person his father was, he just knows that a policeman killed his father....
Carl and Lewis exist, Carl and Lewis are a real example of what is happening nowadays.
Whether you were born in the Bronx or Manhattan, you will be educated by your neighborhood, not by your parents. They will be just the symbol of the authority but your real education comes from where you live. A rich child will want for his 14th birthday his first watch whereas a drug dealer’s son will want his first gun.
The laws no longer make men, but some men make the law.