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War on Isis

Commentaire d'arrêt : War on Isis. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Mai 2017  •  Commentaire d'arrêt  •  304 Mots (2 Pages)  •  766 Vues

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War on ISIS

1. Origin, leaders, event

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is currently the "president" of Daesh, at the head of everything; Daesh being a terrorist organization, organized as a developed country. As for the origins of this group, after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Abu Messan Al Zarqawi established a plan of attack against American troops, a crusade against them, Jihad. Then, after many transformations, the movement develops in all congresses.

Daesh's attacks are all devastating and devastating. Among these we have decided to highlight some of them:

- first attack under the name daesh on 20/03/14, shots that killed 3 soldiers in the Central Turkish province.

- the 28/06/2016 "suicide attack" of the Istanbul air port to the bomb. The result is 35 deaths and more than 100 people injured.

- the 07/01/15 Charlie Hebdo, attack that causes 12 dead men, mass shooting.

2. Manipulation, persuation

To recruit supporters, daesh use different methods.

The main method is to use internet and social platforms like Facebook to convince young people.

In addition, they take advantage of technological advances to develop and innovate their way of recruiting.

They also isolate people from the outside world so that they live in lies, far from the truth.

More over, they use propaganda and brainwashing in childhood.

3. The money aspect of this war

Historically, it was the European states that started sending their whipen.

Daesh located mainly in Syria and Iraq, takes almost control of these countries, by looters and ravagers. Which brings them a financial "support".

So they attack families and take their savings.

They even go so far as to create indisutries, as a country in its own right.

They are also organized as a country in their own right since they have even ap-pointed ministers, including one from finance, Abu Salah.

There is also an unequal gasoline traffic that runs there.


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