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Thème Super market lady's anglais

Dissertation : Thème Super market lady's anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Juin 2018  •  Dissertation  •  616 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 407 Vues

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ANGLAIS BAC PRO 2018 : Thème n°1 Super Market Lady

The work i'm going to present to you is supermarket lady :

It shows a woman with a crammed shopping cart.

Seeing this sculpture, i was fascinated by so much work and at the same time schoked by it's realism.

I wondered wht could push an artist to represent a such character.

In doing research, i discovered hyperrealism, an artistic movement that i did not know.

So i was able to understand the goal of Duane Hanson who wanted to denounce the American company, and particularly over-consumption.

I will now tell you a little bit about the artist Duane Hanson :

Duane Hanson was born on January seventeen, nineteen twenty five in Alexandria in Minnesota and died on January six, nineteen ninetysix in Boca Raton in Florida at the age of seventy years as a result of cancer.

Duane Hanson is an American sculptor, emblematic of the artistic current of hypperealism and Pop art

His sculpture, life-size, represent indivuduals, men and women "borrowed from the American society that he does not hesitate to criticize.

At first, Hanson shows througt the works the problems that disturb : racism, poverty, abused people, and then he decides to represent daily life in the United States.

Resolutely contemporary, Duane Hanson pretends to inject a lucid glance into the consumer society, producing plaster works moled by living human models.

Here are some key details about this sculpture before describing it in a precise way :

The name of the sculpture is Super Market Lady, its author is Duane Hanson.

 It was realized in the years 1969/1970..

This sculpture belongs to the hyperrealism movement.

It is visible at the Ludwig Forum in Aachen [Germany].

This sculpture represents an American woman "typical" of the Sixties.

 It pushes a shopping cart that overflows with provisions of all kinds that symbolize America.

If the sculpture was made entirely by the artist, he borrowed objects to reinforce the realism of his sculpture:-The clothes and the accessories come from the model that posed for the sculpture.

I now go to a more precise description :

Concerning the woman : The art in general, and the classical sculpture in particular, represented gods and goddesses, kings and victorious characters. This is Hanson's choice to take the subject of a middle-class American woman.  He puts forward a woman who has rollers on her head, a cigarette in her mouth , tapered tights and that doesn't have a face to glowing beauty.

The woman was sculpted by molding the body of a models with a silicon strips and then flowing the polyester resin into the mold and reinforcing this molding with fiberglass.

So it's a life-size sculpture.

Duane Hanson then paints with acrylic and then oil his dumies without missing any details : skin color, blue veins, freckles, wrinkles, hair... It also adds real hair, glasses eyes, clothes..

This finished character almost seems to be alive.

The woman stands standing pushing her shopping cart wich is full of industrial product like chocolate biscuits, cooke.

She doesn't seem rich or poor, she's probably middle-class.

She is not an elegant woman and seems quite vulgar. She is not attractive.


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