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Aida Et son Plan Marketing (document en anglais).

Rapports de Stage : Aida Et son Plan Marketing (document en anglais).. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Mars 2014  •  712 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 053 Vues

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3) What about the AIDAS model in this campaign:

We choose to analyze both campaigns : the French one and the American one.

For the French we analyzed the commercial on television, also the commercial on Youtube and the French website.

Attention :

- Commercial on TV : there is a play with the colors like in the SWATCH campaign, there is also a modern music like in the Apple campaign for the Iphone.

- Commercial on internet : this is a revival appeal, with lot of colors in an imaginary world.

- Website : the orange watch is attracted.

Interest :

- Commercial on TV : the slogan is “design your life”. In the commercial they are playing on the innovative characteristics and applications of the product.

- Commercial on internet : it is easy to use, there is new possibilities proposing by the operating system.

- Website : it is continuity with the video on internet (the toy shop).

Desire :

- Commercial on TV : the Gear is a must-have, the new gadget.

- Commercial on internet : there is a link between the phone and the watch.

- Website : there is the description on the different functionalities clearly identified (big fonts) and “& plus” that makes the consumers curious (creation of desire).

- In points of sales (like FNAC) : Samsung proposes the quasi reimbursement of the Samsung Gear for the purchase of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 for its launch in France.

Action :

- The purchase but as it not yet available : consumers need to order it.

- Website : the thumb index “offers” which encourages to purchase.

For the American campaign, there is in the commercial a time evolution with the watches.

Attention :

They attract the consumer's attention by a rise in time. They show how, before Smartphone and new technologies, director imagined the watch of the future. Thanks to this going back in time, they convey their message: Samsung succeed in realize something fictitious until now: create the smart watch.

The fact that they managed in creating a thing until now possible only in movies, create surprise for the audience.

There is no really specific graphics or titles in this advertisement but it’s not necessary for such a revolution.

Interest :

- Relevant message : “After all these year it’s finally real the next big thing is here”

- Raising tense of mystery : the tense lies in the beginning of the ad, we see the watch’s evolution through the movies, the public doesn’t know at this moment what will be the product praise in the commercial. It also lies in the message, we know that something is happening with a watch but until the user’s


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