The organic molecules.
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The organic molecules
We will speak about a special kind of molecule, the organic particles, also called organic compounds in other terms.
©First of all, let’s define a molecule: it’s the smallest possible amount of a particular substance that has all the characteristics of that substance. © Then, an organic particle is a molecule which contains necessarily © carbon. It can be found in the natural or the synthetic form. ©The science of the organic particles belongs to the domain of the organic chemistry.
However, all the molecules with carbon are not organic: © we can define two groups; © the organic and the inorganic particles. ©The difference between these two kinds of molecules is that the organic ones come from life, like vegetables or animals; to the contrary of the inorganic ones which can be found in minerals or stones, in spite of we can observe carbon in their constitutions. ©We can give some examples; the most famous organic particles ones are methane, tetrachloroethylen, heptane and benzene; while diamonds and graphite are some much known inorganic particles.
©There is often a liaison carbon-hydrogen in the organic particles, but not always. ©Moreover, in the organic particles, we can observe in most cases some famous elements like hydrogen, © nitrogen, ©oxygen, ©sulphur or ©phosphorus.
The different organic particles are constituted of some ©carbons chains; these last ones can be found in different forms like straight ©or branched ©or closed.
©To finish, the organic molecules constitute the most part of the elements ©on earth, like© petroleum, ©vegetables, ©clay, and© all the other organic matters like life detritus or carcasses. ©