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Synthese sur la notion de progres

Commentaire de texte : Synthese sur la notion de progres. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Décembre 2015  •  Commentaire de texte  •  591 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 527 Vues

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I am going to talk to you about progress.

First, i would like to give a definition of progress. This notion refers to the development of an individual or society in a direction considered more beneficial than and superior to the previous level.

In class, in relation to the notion, we have wondered about progress and its place in our society .

The question we asked were : « could we live without technology ? »

In order to illustrate this noton and to try and answer these question. I have chosen the document of the IBMers « what is progress ? » and the document of the students in High School « Unplegged ».

Presentation what is progress :

First of all, I would like to start with by presenting a video published by IBM.

This document is about the IBMers who talk, they say what is the progress for them and for the members of their family. For a person, the progress is a cure for glaucoma for her mom, for another the progress is to be able to speak to your family even if they live far...

The video show the people with a picture of a member of their family. The video was shot like the IBMers was confide viewers.

The author agrees with the IBMers, they share the same point of view.

So, the author of the video wants to show us that the progress is everywhere, that it is beneficial, that with him the life is better.

I think that this document shows us well the stakes in the technology, he shows us to what extent she is important for us and for the future generations.

She sees the progress it in a human way and not in a robotics way.

Presentation Unplugged :

To continue, i would like to tell you about another document we studied in class and which illustrates the students at Portland's Lincoln High School.

During four days one week the students participated in a challenge of English teacher Jordan Gutlerner. This challenge consisted to unplug all technological devices, this challenge is voluntary.

54 Lincoln students participated in a technology fast for the school week.

Some students were not able to resist, of other one were anxious without their telephones, and of other one are understood the impact which had the technology in their lives.

For exemple Elise Cramer say « we want people to reach out to us […] without that, i think you feel lonely. Being alone is not a bad thing, but we're never alone »

In this sentence Elise denounces particularly the fact that we cannot live any more without telephone, in particular the young people who are constantly on their screens. They have no more than moments to them, more intimacy, because they are constantly harassed with notifications, with messages, with calls.

In the end we see that all the participants more or less failed, even the creator of challenge who has eventually ordering Chinese food by cell phone. He concludes by the fact that the technology is addicting and that this experience changed nothing its habits because he will return to the normal use of his devices, however he decided of deactivated on his account Facebook and MYSPACE.


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