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Synthèse idea of progress

Dissertation : Synthèse idea of progress. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Mai 2019  •  Dissertation  •  344 Mots (2 Pages)  •  540 Vues

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Hello, I’m Pauline DUPONT in TS2, I picked the notion idea of progress. In class, this year we studied the topic of India to illustrate this notion. I’m going to show the evolution of women’s situation in India. I have chosen 2 documents to deal with the notion idea of progress.

My first document is Another Girl, is a novel, we study an excerpt. In this, Kavita and Jasu, an Indian couple, have just had their second child who is a girl. At that time having a daughter is a scourge for families, because there were traditions to respect. Having a girl means that they will not get help in fields and will have to pay for her dowry when she gets married. The dowry is a kind of gift that must be paid by the bride’s family at the wedding, if it isn’t paid the bride can be tortured or even sometimes killed. This document is fiction but it shows the reality in India. So Indian women need more social progress

My second document is India’s Girl Missing, it’s a report about gendercide. Gendercide is killing of girls. In three generations, more than fifty million women have been selectively eliminated from India’s population though infanticide, dowry-related murders, and other gendercide practices. According to statistics, there are more boys than girls in India because of gender-selective abortions. Girls and boys don’t have equal opportunities. As a family prefer to have boys rather than girls. In addition, boys look after the family business, and they look after their parents when they are old. Moreover, the government wants to prevent sex-selective abortions but finding the sex of a baby before birth is illegal.

To conclude, we can say that the situation of women in India has evolved, before there were traditions that could disempower their families especially at the level of wealth as the dowry tradition. But over time things have been a little better, although the number of women is still very small. It really has to change and improve. Some progress must be made for Indian women


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