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Synthèse anglais mondialisation

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Par   •  10 Janvier 2019  •  Cours  •  1 035 Mots (5 Pages)  •  824 Vues

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Garcia,Florentin                                                                                TS5


Synthese Places et formes de pouvoir

The notion of places and forms of power. First of all, what does the word "power"

mean? In politics and the social sciences, power is the ability to influence people's

behavior, events, or resources. To live together, members of a community accept

rules, regulations, laws. This contributes to creating social cohesion, but can also

create conflicts and tensions, because of many inequalities. Even when authority

seems absolute, there are always counter-powers that question it, limit its excesses

and resist it. Our current world is subject to a process called "globalization" that tanks

to many forms of power organizing our lives and our societies. thus, we can ask

ourselves the question, In what does globalization and its actors (TNC) shape our

world? At first we will see that it created an interconnected world, through a speech

by Barack Obama. Then we will study an unequal world submit to consumption,

thanks to the testimony of two listeners of a radio program. Finally we will talk about

the emerging resistance to this world , with the carrot “mob” phenomenon for example

Globalization and the explosion of international trade, especially thanks to new

technologies, has created an interconnected world. through a speech delivered in

2008 barack obama shares his point of view on this interdependent world. In his

speech the former president of the United States, sees this interconnectivity between different nations as some great things. Indeed, for him it represents the future of our

societies. According to Barack Obama, a new world is emerging thanks to new

technologies. New challenges are emerging with the emergence of countries such as

China, Brazil and India, creating new jobs across the globe. the world and increase

competition. He also shares a personal experience, during his visit to the great "TNC"

Google, he saw the possibility of creating a world without frontiers, a world where

communication, connection and concurrency came from all over the world. For him it is important not to be afraid of this new world engendered by globalization, we must not fall back on either even and open to others in order to better develop relations between countries and take advantage of the opportunities of this global interconnectivity.

However, the multiplication of connections between the countries of the world has led to the creation of an unequal world subject to consumption. Thanks to audio documents studied in class, we will be able to better understand the inequalities of this globalization and the hierarchization of social classes and nations that it imposes. le document étudié est une émission de radio intitulée "Talking point". In the document, the radio show involves two listeners, the first is Ester, a social worker living in London. She denounces in her speech the negative impact of "TNC" on the working conditions of employees, because of the lack of regulation and the absence of laws in emerging countries like India or China. listener is Cuma, originally from India, and denounces the gap that separates the rich and the poor from his country. He explains that employees are overexploited by textile multinationals. First, we see that the consumer society engendered by the globalization of production has very harmful effects on the poor societies thus exploited. Globalization is perceived by "world leaders" as a means of developing emerging countries, but not everyone sees things the same way, as can be understood in the two listeners' speeches. Indeed, we understand that the latter does not have the effects expected by the poor, the exploitation of a cheap labor weakening the economy of these countries instead of developing them.


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