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Sustainable development.

Étude de cas : Sustainable development.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Novembre 2016  •  Étude de cas  •  604 Mots (3 Pages)  •  722 Vues

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,36Nowadays, there are 7,5 billion inhabitants in the world. With our way of life, the pollution is growing up very rapidly and we had to find some solutions to this problem. One of those solutions is to built city who respect the sustainable development. But there is many development's differences in the world, mainly between the « Noths » and the « Souths » conties. In this presentation, we will introduce you 2 exemple of sustainable development in cities : BedZED and Curitiba

BedZED is located in the suburb of London. From London to BedZED, there are about 11 miles BedZED means Beddinghton Zero Energy Development so it's a city which answers to an eco-community project experimenting in sustainable living. Indeed in bedZED the sustainable development is very important, it's why the inhabitants who live in the city have to adapt a green life style.

First, in the three points of sustainable development, environmental is the most present en BedZED. On the one hand, this city is considered as a low carbone zone thanks to the different efforts of the population to consume less energy like the creation of ecoteams ; A groop of neighbours who make changes to their lifestyle. It's thanks to the photo voltaïcs and biomass energy plants which supply around 20 % of energy . Moreover, the public transport , which are priviliged in BedZed help to reduce the pollution because of the Carbone . On the other hand, the environnemental efforts of the inhabitants can bee seen for example in the drop , in water consumption (-58%) which mean in french « consommation d'eau » and in sustainable food choices.

Secondly , we can notice that the population is very present in the environnemental actions . They can reinforce the social-bonds  between the inhabitants thanks to the ecoteams for example . There are other actions which are developed to increase the solidarity in the population like « Kidstop »

On top of that , to reduice the social inequalities , half the flat were reserved for poor families

Finally , BedZed's economy comes from commercial like others city not far from London. But to invest in environnemental project , associations help BedZed , like WWF or Bioregionol.

To conclude, BedZed incites its inhabitants to have an urban life, having a better quality of life

Curitiba is a Brazil's city, there are big social's differences between poor people and rich people but with the population who's growing up, the city choose to improve itself with sustainable way.

For example : the city lead a project untitled « cambio verde »

People has to bring recyclable waste to a special place : for 1kg of waste, they receive 1kg of food

This project follows all the sustainable development's conditions :

-It's environmental because thank's to this project, « streets » of favelas could be cleaned.

-it's social because the inhabitants are feeding

And it's economic because jobs are created to select wastes and it gave money to the farmers which gave their  surplus of food.

There are another projects like public transports's project.

The city has developped a lot of road, and had kept many green-spaces. This project respects the pilliars of sustainable development. Indeed, first, the environnmental pilliar is established including the Linha Verde , a large artery favoring public trnasport . Thanks to that , people use much less individual transport , so avoids the polltion.


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