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Visionning Sustainability For Change

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Par   •  23 Janvier 2014  •  3 823 Mots (16 Pages)  •  961 Vues

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Cardiff Metropolitan University

Visioning Sustainability for change


Contrasts and differences between a credible eco-label and other non-credible

Swann Sauvage 2013-2014 

Contents Page

Front page p2

Contents page p3

Introduction p4

State of the planet, sustainability and sustainable development, government regulation

(policy mix/tools) for sustainability, and voluntary environmental programmes………….p4

What is an ‘eco-label’ and ‘greenwash’? p7

The criteria and principles for effective eco labels as set out by Zadek and ISEAL

Alliance p9

Comparison and contrast between one credible eco label (Rainforest Alliance) and

one non-credible eco label (BP) p11

Discussion of the main issues of the article and some of their potential implications

for business, government and consumers. p14

List of References p16

State of the planet, sustainability and sustainable development, government regulation (policy mix/tools) for sustainability, and voluntary environmental programmes.

Introduction :

In 1972, when 133 countries met in Stockholm during the Conference on the Environment and the Development, it was the first world gathering on the environment. The international community recognized that degradation of the environment threatened not only the economic welfare and social but also the life on Earth.

State of the planet :

« Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and since the 1950s, many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to millenia. That atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice diminished, sea level has risen, and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased. » (IPPC. 2013)

Since the beginning of the Industrial revolution, the race for progress, the improvement of the techniques and technologies are the principal goal of the developed nations. The end of the 19th century sees to be essential the social disputes and the working claims. So, economic and social thus takes all their importance. But the environment then is neglected. The intensive use of the natural resources leads to the prosperity of the industrialized countries whereas the Earth chokes.

The analysts become aware that this development model is not viable any more, since it causes climate warming, the exhaustion of nonrenewable energies, the destruction of the ecosystem and the biodiversity. Pollution, oil waste, the disappearance of animal and vegetable numerous species, the hole of the ozone layer: it is necessary to draw the alarm bell.

It is a reality, the state of the planet is deteriorating over the years and it is important to act against it, quite simply because it is a problem which concerns all the inhabitants of planet Earth.

Sustainability and Sustainable development :

This is where the principle of sustainable development take act and it is supposed to provide future generations the means of meeting their needs.

« There have been two major developments in the concept of sustainability : one, its interpretation in terms of three dimensions, which must be in harmony : social, economic and environmental. Two, the distinction between « strong » and « weak » sustainability. » (Kuhlman, Farrington, 2010)

Here one raises the problem of the “weak sustainability” which would consist in trying hard but not sufficiently important to leave an advantage to the future generations. It is not a task easy to reduce the “ecological debt” for several reasons.

Initially to implement new economic, social and environmental practices proves to be a true revolution. At present, It is impossible to define the needs for the future generations clearly. The objectives required by the ecological lobby are currently difficult to follow: pollution increases unceasingly, waste multiplies and the wastings are ceaseless.

In the second time the evolution of the world sees certain countries, like China and India, grow to the detriment of the principles of sustainable development. If the countries of the South are concerned with the challenges of tomorrow, that doesn’t mean they are implied in the reflection. Some advanced, like the protocol of Kyoto, are still ineffective vis-a-vis climate warming.

Especially because the measuring instruments of the economy are exceeded. The calculation of GDP can not represent progress in terms of sustainable development. Even though today there are new instruments, such as natural capital, the ecological footprint or human development index, they have little impact on economic practices.

Governement regulation (policy mix,tool) for sustainability :

« Population and consumption are both important : the combinaison of increasing global population and increasing overall material consumption has implications for a finite planet. » (Royal society, 2012)

Certain companies despite all their good intentions, will not be able to lead of industrial policy under the aegis of morals. The financial interest precedes. Then, if sustainable development can dominate the economy, it must be accompanied by a major recasting of the international law. It would prevent in particular the technological seizure of the richest countries on the knowledge and competences, and thus, on the natural resources.

« Gouvernements should realise the potential of urbanisation to reduce material consumption and environmental impact through efficiency measures. » (Royal society, 2012)

Concerning efficient measurements to take we can speak for example about the voluntary environmental programs.

Voluntary Environmental


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