Sujet oraux d'anglais
Fiche : Sujet oraux d'anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar gagaga34 • 25 Janvier 2017 • Fiche • 532 Mots (3 Pages) • 841 Vues
Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland but in today’s world
U2 is an Irish group of rock formed in 1976. They compose of Bono singing, Tea Edge in the guitar, in the piano and in the song, Adam Clayton in the bass and Larry Muller to the battery. It is with her third album War which appears in 1983, which the group obtains her first big success, and acquires an international fame. It is in this album that the group openly takes a stand on subjects Political, as the events in Northern Ireland with the song SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY. This song is one of song of most openly today politics and one of the most symbolic of the group. Nevertheless as indicates it bono during the first concerts which followed the release of the album War, this song is not a rebel song, it is a song who claims the peace.
Lyrics of the song describe the events which took place of Derry in 1972, knew each other under the name of BLOODY SUNDAY: fourteen people died and twenty one persons were wounded during a demonstration.At the end of a peaceful walking demanding the respect for the civil rights in Northern Ireland and the end of the discriminatory practices of the local power to the Catholics at the political, social and economies level.
The first verse:
Bono seems shocked and disenchanted by what he sees in the news, he cannot remain insensible and powerless “I can’t believe the news today; I can’t closed my eyes and makes it go away”. How long will he need to sing this song “How long must we sing the song?”
The second verse :
The tone hardens. Bono describes it one battlefields “broken bottle under children feet”, body are lying on the ground “body across the dead in street” and he shouts his anger “I put my backup against the wall”
The third verse:
Bono castigates the media there which show us the violence to the everyday life and trivializes her; they eventually returned difficult the discemment between the fiction and the reality and makes her common place to the point that it does shock almost anymore “and it’s true we are immune when fact are fiction and tv reality” Nevertheless people cry and numerous people still risk to die, sometimes in a total indifference “and today’s the millions cry, we eat and drink while tomorrow they die” But the real battle only begins : not the one who goes to see the victory of the Catholics or the Protestants but the one who will see the victory of Jesus “to claims the victory Jesus won”
For me this music can be used for the terrorist attacks which passed in France as Charlie Hebdo on January 7th, 2015 in bets or there were twelve deaths, for the concert hall the Bataclan November 13th, 2015 in bets or the balance sheet in summer of eighty nine deaths, this song is always on the agenda when U2 speaks of until when will have to sing us this song we again have to sing her this song speaks about peace and it is not the case of the world of today.