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Oraux anglais

Dissertation : Oraux anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Décembre 2017  •  Dissertation  •  1 173 Mots (5 Pages)  •  855 Vues

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Introduction: Hello, Today I will talk about the BIG BEN, I will talk first about the story of the BIG BEN, then after for the origin of it name, after that I will talk about the details about

it, and at the end I will talk about the BIG BEN in the twenty-first century.


Big Ben is the nickname of the Big Bell which his situated on the top of the "Elisabeth Tower". The " Elisabeth Tower" is located on the Westminster Palace, which is the headquarters of the

British Parliament in London. The Tower has been name "Elizabeth Tower" for the "DIAMOND JUBILEE" from "Elizabeth II" in 2012 ( two toushand and twelve ). Back in the time she was only called

the "Bell Tower".

Only the people who live in the United Kingdom can visite the Big Ben but only after getting an authorization.

The building is locatednext to the Tamise, beetween the Westminster Bridge and the Westminster Abbey.


Back in 1835 (eighteen thirty-five) a fire has destroyed a part of the Parliament. After this, a new style for de new building will be choosen. The men which th project will be given is

Charles Barry. He had a big project with a big "Big Bell".

The firste bell is created in 1856 (eighteen fifty-six), she brockes in a few months after her installation. After that a second bell is created in the "Whitechapel" foundry in 10 April

1858 (eighteen fifty-eight). In October of de same year, the bell is set-up and the 31 (thirty-first) May 1859 (eighteen fifty-nine) the bellring for the first time.

The sound of the bell is specifically because she is cracked in 1859 (eighteen fifty-nine). It is this craking that giver a special sound. The hammer is oriented so that he is not it the

cracked part.

The very popular tune is named Westminster Quarters.

At the 31 (thirty-first) December 1923 (ninteen twenty-three) the BIG BEN is for de first time difiused in the BBC radio.


At the begenning the real name of this bell was "THE GREAT BELL". We don't now exactly the origin of the name: BIG BEN , one of the most popular theory was at the men who created the bell

Benjamin Hall which was an engineer, his nickname was BEN and he was very very big so he was called "BIG BEN" . An other theoryis that it was the name of box champion Ben Caunt which has

won celebrity thanks to fight of sixty rounds we've no protection again's Nat Langham which was the champion anyone de year were


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