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Staging of oneself

Commentaire de texte : Staging of oneself. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Septembre 2022  •  Commentaire de texte  •  1 146 Mots (5 Pages)  •  497 Vues

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The staging of oneself is a theme in literature in which the main goal is to really represent oneself as one is. It is represented often in the autobiographies, but these documents of this file show this theme, while they are not necessarily autobiographies. The axis of the dossier is expressing and building one-self and the thematic is self-staging, that is, the way we see ourselves. The file permit to reply to this question, there are 4 documents. The very first is an excerpt from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, it situated at the middle of the novel. It was written during the Victorian century, in 1847. The second document is a piece of poetry by Shakespeare, an English poet and playwright. The title is Sonnet 100, and it was published in 1609 during Renaissance, this is a sonnet. The third document is a canvas which is The triple self portrait by Norman Rockwell in 1960 who represents three self-portrait of him. The last document is a passage from Harry potter the chamber of secrets, this is the chapter 6 so this extract is situated at the beginning of the novel. Harry potter is the eponymous character of this novel. These four documents deal with the theme of the self-staging oneself and its effects. How can the representation of the self and its staging be seen as a weapon ? To answer this question, I will first describe the way of each protagonist is staged in these four documents and then, i will study the effects of this self-staging.

First of all, I can spot in these documents, two manners to self-staging on the documents. The first way that can be seen in documents 2 and 4 is the protagonist is superior to the others. For example, Shakespeare in his piece of poetry Sonnet 100 describe this thing the muse, he describes her like idly, a person which don't use her time to write poem for Shakespeare, line 7 "sing to the ear that doth thy lays esteem" the way Shakespeare describes the woman, he is then superior to her because he manages to write this poem without her help, using striking images like that of death "rise, resty, muse, my love's sweet face survey, if time have any wrinkle grave there: if any, be a satire to decay" his self-staging highlights it compared to that of the woman because it is a positive portrait. In document 4, Lockhart shows his superiority to the students by mentioning all his successes but also by taking this test which is based on himself. This proves this superiority over others because he will focus his presentation of himself on his exploits without evoking his inferiority over them.

The second way is to show a vision of oneself that is not necessarily true, the documents 1 and 3 represents well this idea. In the canvas by Rockwell, The Triple self portrait, there a 3 representations of the painter and this already allows us to say that the author has several representations of himself which are subjective and objective. The first representation is that of the back facing his painting, it is the one which is the most faithful to his own representation, despite the fact that we cannot see his face. The second representation, the one where he appears in the mirror, is also objective, we cannot see his eyes because he hides them with his glasses. The last one on the canvas is the least objective, but it's the one he wants to share with people because there is his signature on it. This painting clearly shows this idea of not revealing to


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