Commentaire de texte : SEATS AND FORM OF POWER. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar loureinert • 23 Mars 2020 • Commentaire de texte • 678 Mots (3 Pages) • 501 Vues
I’m going to present you the notion “seats and forms of power”. To begin, I think it can be important to explain the different terms of the notion. “seats and forms” provide to define the subject. Indeed, it will be about where and how power is applied. Then what’s the meaning of “power”? There are three forms of “Power”: legislative, judicial, executive. Moreover, to impose rules, way of life, someone or something has necessary the ability of control or influence others and this is the true power.
But why do humans let themselves be led by power? Can power blind men?
First off all, this image is very attractive thanks to the main character on the screen. He is the ministry of privacy of Facebook and he is announcing in a kind way that now privacy doesn’t exist any longer. Everyone looks like inspired by him but also like clone by their clothes and long rows of people. This is scary. Once again the motto “privacy is sociableness, secrecy is sharing, personal is public” makes the atmosphere so cold.
Actually, the message hidden behind this image is that humans don’t realize anymore what’s important in life. Nowadays, everything is only about technologies, socials networks and robots. Human are no longer able to make difference between what’s good and bad for them. And this is why they accept this domination, this kind of power, they are unaware. Human have created Facebook, more broadly they have created socials networks and all technologies and one day it will surpass them.
This image can be linked with the notion “seats and forms of power” because one man is controlling others, he is wielding an influence on everyone by internet and more specifically social network.
Then, the extract that I’m going to present you is from the book “Brave New World”. It’s a dystopian novel published in 1932 by Mr Huxley. Indeed, in this world everyone is thinking that they live in a wonderful world, of success and discovery but it’s completely the opposite. Humans create inequalities between class by treating embryos differently. For example, alpha is superior to beta. Since when are human born differently? In what is this fair? Humans give themselves the right to deflect nature by creating baby in machine.
Moreover, everyone is losing his identity, his worth because scientific created 99 identical twins. And the motto “community, identical, stability” show a loss of personality, of diversity, of life.
This is how we understand that human accept this domination, this power, because they are living in a world which operates like that. It’s beyond them. They don’t know another way of life. This extract can be linked with the notion “seats and forms of power” because dystopia is a kind of power, his seat is an entire world and his form, it’s all about psychologic and mental. It’s a kind of propaganda.
Finally, this picture is more speaking because it’s a human power which is applied. We can see two characters, one little girl frightened and crying and Donald Trump, the actual president of united states. He is looking at the little girl with a stern air. His large size makes him imposing and powerful. And the red background is very attractive.
This is how we understand that he is the power,