Places and exchanges
Fiche : Places and exchanges. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Camille Obry • 28 Octobre 2015 • Fiche • 512 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 245 Vues
The notion i'm going to deal withis Places and Exchanges. The subject of my oral presentation will be "What do bordes mean to First People in Canada ?". I will present this notion, first, by explaining what mean First people, then by showing Their vision of their land, and finally, by bringing how First people are recognizing.
Canada is the second largest country in the world, but only 35 millions inhabitants with a tiny proportion are indegenous (about 1 million). The First People are an Indian tribe who where the fisrt to live in Canada. They live on plains and plateaus. Unlike, the Inuits live on the far North, and, since 1999? have their own territory, Nunavut. This two differents tribes live on different reserve. This reserves are on beautiful places, with amazing landscap. There are several problems on the reserve. First, there isn't school, so the kids have to leave when they have 15 to continue their education. Moreover, there aren't job so most of the members of community live off and there is a problem with prescription drog, and alcohol too. The water is not safe to drink so they must boil it. But they have a strong sense of community.
In Canada, we found huge reserves of natural resources as oil, gas and minerals. Up to now they haven't been exploited because of the freezing temperatures and because access is difficult. But the global warming allow to oil companies and mustinationals to profit. This rush will bring about an economic boom : more jobs, more moneys so better living standards that's provoke changing way of life ; and bring about environmental damage : pollution and oil spills.According to the Prime Minister of Greenland, this exploitation could be an advantage if it's done with care because the country needs money if they want to beame independant. But this modernisation cause problems with people movineg to cities and so losing their traditional culture and because of this, there is a very high suicide rate. Foreign workers will overwhelm the opponents of mining. Somethink like 200,000 workers will be needed and the indigenus population in only 56,000.
In the document i studied about citizenship, two blackfoot (a little boy and his mother) live on a reserve on the Canadian side of the US-Canada border and wanna go to Salt Lake City to visit Laetitia, the narrator's sister. when they arrived at the frontiere, a border guard who look like friendly, explain thqt she isn't blackfeet but she has a friend who is. Finally, she refuses to let them pass because the mother doesn't wanna say if she si american or canadian, and blackfeet isn't recognized as a nationality. So they have to go to see an immigration officer, but after, they still forbidden to pass so they stay in no man's land, in the duty free car park where they still 2 days and 2 nights. Next, a hight-up politician arrived and help them to cross the border because of presence of media, and the gouvernment don't wanna be considered as anti-blackfoot.