Notion of progress : LGBT
Commentaire de texte : Notion of progress : LGBT. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar emmavndm • 11 Novembre 2018 • Commentaire de texte • 804 Mots (4 Pages) • 1 312 Vues
The notion I'm going to speak about is progress. To begin with, I’d like to state a definition of progress: for me, it's the idea of an improvement, a development or a change – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the society or even the world a better place. To deal with this notion, we've studied 3 texts in peculiar: "The violin", "What if she's white?" and "Letter to mama". We can notice that all these texts are about social progress, more especially in the comportment of people in nowadays society (given that the documents all come from the last 35 years). I will separate this notion in two parts: on one hand the positives aspects, and on the other hands the negatives sides which leads us to ask ourselves if progress is always a sign of evolution (in a good way).
First, we have the good aspects: "Letter to mama" tell the story of a young man who decided to come out of the closet with his parents by writing them a letter. By reading it, we understand that what made him make his decision is that where he lives (in Orlando), people are much more tolerant towards homosexuals and that's them who encouraged him to reveal himself, which allowed him to unburden himself too. So in this first case, it's the evolution of a part of our controversial world towards the LGBT community who is portrayed. Then, we've "What if she's white?", a document about arranged marriages in Muslim tradition. This text is the real story of a Muslim teenager living in the 90's Luton, a city near to London. We learn that he's open minded with the idea of arranged marriages: for him, the most important thing in the person he will marry is his love for her, and not her origins. Given to his young age, we can conclude that then news generations are less conservative, which can be a good thing about this wedding context, a decision you will live with all the rest of your life.
Come next negatives points: even if the same teenager of the precedent text is detached from arranged weddings, this is not the case of his family: he wants to get married with who he wants, but he knows that his family will not agree this because they will considered as a big problem, bringing shame to the family and blackening its name. Actually, the teenager does not really have a say; we understand that this evolution will be done over several years before young people have the right to choose. And in the last document, "the Violin", we're faced with the difficulty that black families have to integrate a racist society. In this text, Vukani, a little boy, is forced by his mother to practice violin because she think it's a good way to make her son "straight", but even despite her efforts Vukani is humiliated by the others boys of his age. Because of that, Vukani gets angry against his mother who doesn't understand and ends up slapping him, wanting so much that her son fits in society that she did not see the consequences that it had.
To conclude, we can say that even if the society is in progress in a social way against some causes like tolerance with the LGBT community or religions, people ( and specially new