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Notion of progress, masse consumption

Discours : Notion of progress, masse consumption. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Mars 2017  •  Discours  •  399 Mots (2 Pages)  •  786 Vues

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Let me begin by defining the notion of progress. It basically consists in believing that the world can become better in  severals fields fields like science, technology or quality of life. Progress means changing  from an old order with old traditions to a new order. The world is changing always faster noawadays, with more and more technological and scientific innovations.

This year we studied consumerism. So first, I wil explain main issues with masse consumption and secondly how to do to take controle for our consumption.

I’d like to explain the impact of consumption on people’s everyday lives. On the one hand , people use new technology and buy online. We talked about MegaMonday. It is  a day of online shopping because the products are sold at reduced prices especially during the Christmas period. People can stay and buy from home. This reduction of prices can create an excess. Indeed, we saw a video about Black Friday a day after Thankgiving where Items are sold  at reduced prices. Hundreds of people were trying to get the cheapest products. They seemed to buy articles they probably didn’t even need. Moreover, they didn’t hesitate to grab items away from people’s hand and to come to blows.  The economic and subprime crisis as well as unemployment can explain this phenomenon.

Indeed, prices increase that's why people are less confident in their economy and plan what they buy. Therefore, nowadays they prefer buying on Black Friday and Mega Monday.

Let’s not forget to talk about alternatives to promote news values. I remember an alternative which was particularly interesting. It is called  freeganism.There are consumers who find their food in the trash but they are not homeless. A lot of freegans have a job and are educated people who reject the consumer society and its excesses,

A lot of people are disgusted by this and afraid of bacteria that why they could find. Besides, bartering is an other alternative that we studied. It consists in exchanging goods without money, and a form of sharing or helping your community. Thus, you can save your money , too.

So in conclusion, society which pushes to want more, to have more than the other as Will Roger said :«  Too many people spend they money they haven’t earned to buy thing they don’t want to impress people they don’t like »

A real question is if people will realize they need less to be happy,


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