Notion d'anglais
Discours : Notion d'anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar anissao • 14 Février 2019 • Discours • 581 Mots (3 Pages) • 485 Vues
I’m going to talk about the idea of progress and i’d like to give a definition of progress. It’s the idea that the world and the society cane volve positively in terms of sciences, technology, mordernization and soon ... However, progress can be beneficial or harmful depending on the context. We are going to wonder to what extent the black’s situation has evolved during segregation ? Firstly we will see how the blacks were considered as inferior, secondly our analysis will deal with the rising of black people and to conclude we will peak about the current situation of African Americans.
I ) First, we’ll see that blacks were considered inferior to whites
Slavery made black people the property of a white master who could do whatever he wanted with them. Black people overworked for free, were exploited and whipped when they disobeyed. 12 Years a Slave which is a 2013 period drama film directed by Steve McQueen is a good illustration of how they were treated : In this document we can see that they were sold like ani merchandise, owned by a white man and, most of the time, separated from their family.. And yet, slavery was abolished in eighteen sixty five after the civil war but segreagation laws were implemented to keep black people in an inferior position. The blacks were threatened and arbitrarily arrested like Docteur Copeland in a text that we studied in class. The character created by Carson McCullers in his novel « the heart is a Lonely Hunter » ( 1940 ) was arrested for no reason and lynched by the police.
Luckily the situation changed with time.
II ) Now, I’m going to talk about the rising of black people
A few years later, in the sixties, great leaders like Martin Luther King decided that it was enough and they had to organize a Civil Right Movement. Some advocated nonviolence marches, sit-ins, demonstrations and attempts to rallly both blacks and whites. Other, like Malcom X, considered nonviolnce like a weakness, sot hey rejected it and refused any help from the withes. In the document 2, Docteur Copeland proved to be non violent but it was useless since he was finally arrested. It was a complicated fight like we can see in the historical drama film « Selma ». Selma traces the historic struggle of Dr. Martin Luther King to ensure the right to vote for all citizens. A dangerous and terrifying campaign that ended in a long march from Selma to
Montgomery, Alabama, which led President Jonhson to sign the Voting Rights Act in 1965. Black people continued to fight despite all the difficulties.
III) Finally, we will speak about the current situation of black people in USA
About 40 years later, a black man was elected as president of America and it’s Barack Obama. He remained 8 years in office and it was a glimpse of hope. As the cartoon shows it, B. Obama came out of history like a victory over all these years of sufferings . However, even during his mandate, black men have been killed by the police and lately in Augsute in Charlottesville, members of Ku Klux Klan have been able to marcha long with suprematists. President Trump didn’t explicitely denounce them. Further more, 42% of those sentenced to death are black, while blacks represent only 12% of the US population.