Les trous noirs
Fiche : Les trous noirs. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Victor Mallard • 3 Décembre 2017 • Fiche • 321 Mots (2 Pages) • 786 Vues
The black holes are maybe the strangest out and the most dangerous thing in the galaxy. For normal people it's as adless hole. But in reality, it's not a total mystery for astronomers ans scientists There are billions black holes in the differents galaxies in the universe. Even if we know a lot of things about it, this is the boundary between us and the unknow, the other sides of the galaxy. It's complicated to study them because we can't go to close it. For example, Chandra is a spatial X-Ray telescope which have been deployed in the space in 1999, it's impossible to see a black hole with it. To be simple, a black hole is an oversized and a powerful hole. It mooves circularly. There is just one way to enter in it, the hole that we can see, and after there is not outflow. It's a kind of gigantic hoover with the high gravity. Hopefuly for us there is no one in our solar sistem, they are maybe at light-years from us. We are dwarfs in comparaison with black holes, galaxy, earth… Now, the difficulty is to know what there is behind it ? But the dilema is that we can't send satelite towards, it would be breathin and destroyed without anchor. It would be the discovery of the century, to know how does it really works inside. This is one of the horizon of scientists. For the moment, we know that black holes have an extreme high gravity. So when you go in, first your legs are streched but not the top of your body, you become a long spaghetti, this is called the spaghettification, after we don't really know, you certainly become remnants and, this, because of the gravity. A black hole is also a high density of mater, it's why ther is no light. Black holes seem unreal and imaginary but they're not.