Les Beatles.
Discours : Les Beatles.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Sarah B. • 4 Décembre 2016 • Discours • 1 023 Mots (5 Pages) • 782 Vues
The Beatles
Born in Liverpool in 1962; Death in 1970
By registering more than one album per year within ten years of collaboration, The Beatles are the most popular band in the history of music. Authors of unforgettable hits, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr continues, thirty years after their separation, arouse passion. A legend that nothing will stop.
The history of the most legendary Liverpool band began in 1957 when John Winston Lennon, 17 years old, founded the group The Quarrymen with James Paul McCartney, two years her junior. The two young men then unaware of the fate that awaits them. Accompanied by George Harrison, the Quarry Men manage to make their first television appearance in 1959, when none of them has a real musical experience. A year later, drummer Pete Best joined them to form the Johnny and The Moondogs group, which quickly became The Beatles, a group recognized and revered throughout the region. Yet it is in Hamburg, Germany as stooges will do their real next stage in 1961. Then they return year early, with their European success in their native Liverpool, where they perform at the Cavern Club, now a emblematic place. There, they met their manager and friend Brian Epstein, who died a sorry five years later, remaining forever the fifth Beatles.
The band's career begins to take shape, when Pete Best left the band in August 1962, and is replaced by Richard Starkey, Ringo Starr said. This amazing event will nevertheless contribute to the growth of the Beatles. Indeed, since the fall of 1962, "Love Me Do", the first 45 of the group a hit throughout England. This success is due to the musical qualities of the piece, but also the amazing image of its members, who then stand the great American voices of rock'n'roll like Elvis Presley or Chuck Berry. The suit and tie more "British" and tender words of their song more appealing to the public of the island, which sees these boys in-law ideals.
From the beginning, they also called the Fab Four, experiencing phenomenal success to the point that the hysterical public. Their tubes are connected at breakneck speed and make idols of the 1960s in a few months. The rhythm and the text "Please Please Me", "She Loves You", "I Want To Hold Your Hand" and "I Saw Her Standing There" among others, are so effective that in a few months, the Beatles released three albums and numerous 45s. In 1964, Beatlemania even beyond the borders of England, invaded throughout Europe and across the Atlantic to the United States. Thus, world tours are linked to no end with a concert at the Olympia in France and the Ed Sullivan Show across the Atlantic that attract crowds in the thousands. The group is now the largest in the world and opens the international way for other British artists such as the Rolling Stones, the Animals and the Kinks. The success of "Can not Buy Me Love", "Yesterday", "A Hard Day's Night," "Ticket to Ride" and "Help, We Can Work In Out" is such that the Beatles received in 1965 the Medal of member of the British Empire from the hand of the Queen of England herself. Lennon even dare to say at that time: "We are more famous than God."
But the frenetic ambiance tours quickly tired group. After the concert in San Francisco August 29, 1966, he decided to devote himself to studio recordings, and the following year saw the birth of Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, the first concept album in rock history. With four Grammy Awards, including best album, their eighth album once again proves the musical and poetic qualities of the Beatles through many leading titles like "Strawberry Fields Forever," "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" and "With A Little Help from My Friends "which are connected without dead time around a theme. The same year, 1967, Lennon and his acolytes turn their film "Magical Mystery Tour" and market the album songs. This is not the first cinematic experience the Beatles since 1964 already, they were the stars of the musical film "A Hard Day's Night," and in 1965 for "Help!".