Les Beatles
Documents Gratuits : Les Beatles. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar axeller • 10 Novembre 2014 • 1 195 Mots (5 Pages) • 874 Vues
Mythes et Héros ---> Beatles
I have chosen the Beatles because they represent the most famous group of the sixties.
Everyone knows the Beatles. There are people who do not know their music (although
I do not believe there is someone in Western society who has not heard “She Loves You” or
“Help!”), but even those have at least heard about the band and are familiar with the name.
The hairstyle the Beatles were wearing in the first half of their career is usually referred to as the ‘Beatle-hairstyle.’ Glasses with round rims are called ‘Lenonky’, for the type of glasses John Len-non was wearing in the second half of the Beatles’ career and afterwards.
Allusions to their songs and lives are often used in movies and TV series.
The Beatles transcended pop music and became a part of cultural history of the world.
Rock music consists of many individual styles. Even though there is a common spirit among all music groups, all music made by them are very different.
Rock music evolved in the 1950s and the early 1960s. At that time that Beatles entered the world of music from Liverpool. Rock music was a large piece of the centerpiece of largely rebellious group of young people.
Before the era of the Beatles, Elvis Presley first took Rock n' Roll to the public. Elvis blended the black and white music influence to create this style of Rock n' Roll. He commanded a large group of faithful fans. Elvis was the only singer who was able to rival the Beatles. Even so, the Beatles admired his music and were greatly influenced by him. The Beatles were pace setters. Their ensemble were supplemented with solo guitar, rhythm guitar, bass guitar, drums, sitar,
and violins.
The Beatles climbed to the height of their success during the Swinging Sixties. More than any other group they represented a meeting between cultural and artistic trends that were crucial to the time.
The 1960s were the decade in which various forms of culture that had been current in elite circles spread through to mainstream society. (Bob Spitz, The Beatles: The Biography).
The most significant of these was a collapse of religious beliefs in favor of materialism, leading to John Lennon controversially claiming that The Beatles were “Bigger than Jesus”. (Taft Johnson, The Beatles: The Band That Changed Music).
Nobody has forgotten their titles and they were born when the population was looking for dome changes.
I would like to explain how The Beatles were promoting the Sixties.
The group represented the way of life of the Sixties, it significated freedom in a period when young people were wearing long hair and when they were believing in love and peace
long hair and love. They were also the pioneer of a cultural revolution that included new ideas about politics, religion, sex and fashion.
People wanted to be instantly gratified and this was made possible by a period of economic well being and technological development.
The early Beatles records perfectly reflected the mood among the young for new found liberation, joy and freedom.
There records reflected the feel good factor of the early sixties where people for the first time had a disposal income which could be spent on fashion, music, and other consumer goods.
The Beatles came into prominence as the sexual repression of the past vanished. Homosexuality was legalized, women could have the pill or abortion on demand and divorce laws resulted in the replacement