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Le rôle des femmes pendant la seconde guerre mondiale

Étude de cas : Le rôle des femmes pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Juin 2021  •  Étude de cas  •  832 Mots (4 Pages)  •  609 Vues

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Between 1914 and 1918, took place the World War 1, at the time known as the Great war. The conflict started in Europe, but it involved other countries like Japan and the United States. There was some politic rivalry in Europe between the German Empire and France because of Alsace-Lorraine. Both wanted this territory. Plus, there was colonial rivalry in particular in Africa between France, the United Kingdom and the German Empire. Above all, there were economic tensions (trade relations and marine affairs) between UK and the German Empire. Than, 2 alliance were signed: the Triple Alliance which links Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy at the start (after joining the Triple Entente) ,Ottoman Empire and Japan. Against this powerful were a second alliance called the Triple Entente which linked France, UK, Russia and US. In this context, on June 28,1914, François Ferdinand, the successor to the Ottoman Empire was killed in Sarajevo. It was the straw that broke the camels back, the war began in August the same year. The conflict used every resources: human who had to go to the front, capital, technology, sciences and culture. It was a total war. The world has changed. Companies changed their processing and created weapons. Newspapers and letters from soldier were censored. Some civilians lend money to states to pay for war. And for a change women were involved. Why and how were Women involved in this war?

The war began in August, that was harvest time because Europe needed some food. The men were called to the front so women had to go into the fields. In France, early Auguste1914, René Viviani wrote a letter intended for french women urging them to replace men in the fields. After that in 1915, England created the Woman’s land army, and which was for women who worked in fields, in 1917, 20000 woman were in this “army”. There was the equivalent in US which was called Woman’s Land army of America. To mobilize all this women all over the world, states have used propaganda.

This picture is a poster titled “The woman’s land army of America”, it dates from 1918 and was drawn by Herbert Andrew Paus, a famous illustrator. The scene takes place in a field during the day. In the background there are soldiers. In the foreground there are two women who wear the blue jumpsuit of workers. They carry a basket filed of vegetables. One of them carries a bucket and the other a garden rake. Behind them, there is a third woman who is sitting on a horse and wear a brown jumpsuit. She carries the American flag. Women are young, they are about twenty. In the top, this message is written: “ The woman’s land army of America”. Under the picture are writing information, this is about a training school to come in this army.

All over the world women became nurses for heal men which were hurt in the fight. In France more than 100 000 nurses treat soldiers and were often volunteers.

Because men were fighting, there was an issue in factories. Indeed, factories are short of workers. States had no other choice: they put women in place of men. Especially in the arms factory because the economy was a war economy.

This picture is a poster titled “These women are doing their bit”, it dates from 1915 and had an unknown drawer. The scene takes place in the front of a factory. In the foreground there is a woman who put on protections


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