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Koutoubia, étude de cas

Dissertation : Koutoubia, étude de cas. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Novembre 2017  •  Dissertation  •  656 Mots (3 Pages)  •  658 Vues

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TM Case Study Homework

Answer the following questions (front and back). These answers will be shared in class to help you collaboratively review for this exam:

        1.)        Which words in the case study could be asked as a definition question? List them and write their definition.

Multinational company - a corporation that has its facilities and other assets in at least one country other than its home country.

Public limited company - the standard legal designation of a company which has offered shares to the general public and has limited liability.

Sole trader -  as a sole trader, you run your own business as an individual.

Revenue - the income that a business has from its normal business activities, usually from the sale of goods and services to customers.

Customer service -  the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. Also often referred to when describing the culture of the organisation.

External growth - the quickest way for a company to increase its value.

Internal growth - slower process, and can be financed by asking shareholders to contribute more capital, or by ploughing back profits into the business.

Gross profit - a company's residual profit after selling a product or service and deducting the cost associated with its production and sale.

Franchising - the practice of the right to use a firm's business model and brand for a prescribed period of time.

Human resource management - is a function in organisations designed to maximise employee performance in service of an employer's strategic objectives.

Labour turnover - the proportion of a firm's workforce that leaves during the course of a year.

Motivational strategies - to maintain open communication with your employees.


        2.)        What are the biggest problems Henri Trouve faces? What are some solutions to his problems?

                Most of the time, Henri was feeling tired while driving to work because he

                had to stay up late as he was taking an MBA class in art. This was one of his solutions that would later help him. He wasn’t from a wealthy family that could pay him anything he wanted, so Henri studied as much and he could and worked hard to succeed in life. After his classes, he would help his parents at the store. Furthermore, he took it over when his parents got old and retired. He was forced to take over because they did not have much for a living. Even though Henri was often tired he still fought for it. When TM opened, Henri’s company had to close because it couldn’t compete with TM as it has was sophisticated and expanded in a very short amount of time.


3.) What are the biggest problems Todos os Mercados faces as a business? Can you think of any solutions?

  • Todos os Mercados face many problems including liquidity from expansion.

  • Faces one of the highest staff turnover levels.
  • Employees are not empowered and have to follow detailed work instructions and procedures.
  • TM has a poor record of social responsibility
  • The labour turnover that was much lower than expected in 2003
  • Be more lenient to the staff which will encourage them to do better work
  • Improve work conditions
  • Predict better what is going to happen. Need staff for this.

4.) Write 3 possible questions you think could be asked about this case study on the exam.

  • What kind of growth had TM used? Describe the negative and positive impact of it.

  • TM has an inflexible organisational structure. What does this mean?
  • Discuss the external factors of TM and how they have been impacted by the unexpected economic recession.


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