Idea of progress, gender inequality
Fiche : Idea of progress, gender inequality. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Mat 2roz • 27 Mai 2018 • Fiche • 808 Mots (4 Pages) • 1 231 Vues
• The idea of progress basically consists in bielieving that the world can become better in terms of arts, science, technologie, liberty and quality of life and has shaped most of the western civilisation’s vision of history. Progress implies changes, some evolution from an old older with old traditions to a new order which is not necesseraly embraced by all, as it may shake up deep¬-rooted, highly respected convention and beliefs.
• We will first focus on the question : « Is gender inequality a thing to the past ? »
The gender inequality are less present that in the past. Women are more influente and powerfull like in the sport with Serena Williams who won 22 grand slam, in cinema with angelina Jolie who use his fame in humanity causes or in politics with Hillary Clinton the wife of president Clinton, member of congress, obama’s secratary of states, Senator and candidate for the presidential election. With they success they show that women can be as successful as men. The article from the Sunday Times about Indra Nooyi represent also the new place of the women in the society. Indra Nooyi is the chief executive of PepsiCo, she was considerated as one the most powerfull woman since 2006. The years before the article was published she earned 7.3 million £. So today women can have a high place in the society, influence people and lead a company or a country.
But they still have to fight for her right because of the ancestral idea of place of women like in the speech of Michelle Obama about canditate Trump’s attitude towards woman. She talk about a video where Trump have extreme comments about women. She was shocked, accuse him to be a sexual predator and we can see in sadness in her voice as if she almost crying. An other who have fight for womem condition is Malala Yousafsaï who are presented in a TV documentary in the News. She is an activist for the woman right who as born in Pakistan in a region where Talibans prohibited girl to go to school . In 2012 she was attacked by Tallibans because of his involvement and one bullet is coming up to his head but she miraculy survive. She was the youngest nominee for the nobel peace prize at the age of 16. So we can say that gender inequality are still present but the women’s condition evolve with more and more influente and powerfull women and other who fight for her right.
• We saw that inequality are still present so we now focus on one the most inequal country : India with the question : « To what extent can India be considerated as a country of paradoxes ? »
Foremost India are a progressive and modern country. These last years this country have be modernised and the document High-tech cities show that the hight tech sector have a big part in the GPD who increases of more 8% every years. This country have also more opportunity as the article from the New York Times of Anand Giridharadas says. He is an American with Indian origines and he decide to go in India to make his own opinion the country. He see that India had changed a lot with big factory, ultra cheep cars, woman who are bread winners, the microcredit and people have cellphone. According to him, India have today lot of opportunity. India want also break with his image of colonized country and this is why the nationalist political party who was