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Dissertation : Home-Schooling. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Juin 2018  •  Dissertation  •  549 Mots (3 Pages)  •  617 Vues

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Would you home-school your own children ?

Home-schooling or home education exists now for centuries.

In the past, it was mostly the wealthy people who had acces to education who could afford it by hiring tutors and teachers who worked for them. Nowadays home education is becoming more and more common even if it remains a small percentage of the global student population. However home-schooling is not legal in every country.

For me this is a very essential question i've been asking myself for a long time now, even if I don't have children yet.

Children education is something important and I want the best for my kids like the most of us, I guess. Whatever the reasons, each of us should be able to choose how to educate our children.

I know that there are certains aspects of the public school who aren't' ideal and obviously there are the pros and cons for both ways.

Some parents do not trust the public school for many reasons.

For some people the programs are not good enough; there are too many students in classes so the student monitoring is not enough personnalized; there are too many dangers for their children like racism, bullying;  inadequate local schools; easy access to inappropriate images and behaviors...

This is also why some parents, for religious reasons, prefer to educate their children at home : to have as possible a better influence on them.

Some will say that the disadvantage of home-schooling may be the lack of socialization for the child...and others will answer that the children are not isolated and can meet during their different activities all kinds of people of different age classes which can be even more beneficial for their socialization.

And there may be other benefits. Like personalized and individualized programs per each child that is home-schooled. More generally this grant you a bigger and precious flexibility and time saving for all the family.

Home-schooling allowed the  parents a very flexible schedule. Learning at home can be faster for children and allows more free time : free time to travel for example and be able to do things when others are at school and whenever you want to. When you choose to school only four days a week four hours per day this allows you much more time.

The environement as well can be a big factor of improvment of the education. School happens in a secure, well-known environement, outside the four walls of the class. As a matter of fact school can happen everywhere. Parents are able to take their home-school installation wherever they want. In a park, in a car, travelling...everywhere.

Even though it becomes more and more attractive to some parents there are conditions for this to be possible. In my opinion parents must have the abilities to do so and the financial means at least for one of them to stay at home.

So, would I home-school my own children ?

Yes I would...if I can. And i think i can.

With the help and the supervision of the “inspection académique” in France it is possible.

It might be a little bit pretentious but I see home-education like a means to an end.

To give my children the best education possible to begin with and to improve our daily life as a family.


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