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Deltec Homes, "The Original Green Builder"

Analyse sectorielle : Deltec Homes, "The Original Green Builder". Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Octobre 2013  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  344 Mots (2 Pages)  •  736 Vues

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Deltec Homes, "The Original Green Builder"

3. Analysis, Interpretation

Why is this structure very solid ?

This structure is very solid, because the skeleton of the roof and the floor is a circle. The centre is linked perimeter by wooden rays. Hence, when there is wind, the forces push towards the centre, and, at the same time, they are pushed towards the outside. Therefore, the home's structure doesn't suffer any damage.

How does the rooftop contribute to its wind-resistant architecture?

The rooftop is circular and has a soft slope. This contributes to a lower area the wind can cling on.

Which kind of landscape are these buildings adapted to and why?

These buildings were adapted to coastal landscapes and natural catastrophes like hurricanes and tidal surges.

2. Objective, Description

What is the shape these buildings share?

These building are circular homes.

Who constructs these buildings ?

Deltec is the company in charge.

When has the company Deltec first started to construct its unique architecture ?

Deltec homes first started in 1968.

Are these buildings resistant to natural forces ?

Yes, they survive 20-30 foot tidal surges and winds over 145 mph without any structural damage.

4. Vision, Innovation

How do these buildings look like ? Are there more buildings that enjoy a similar architecture ?

The look can be compared to the Mongolian houses called Yurts.

what is the shape of the roof like ?

The shape of the roof looks like a wheel or an umbrella immovable.

1. Subjective, Impression

what feeling do these building's shape induce ?

It's circular shape induces a feeling of concentration, peace and rest.

what are the advantages of such a panoramic view ?

In my opinion, the round shape makes anyone feel comfortable. Moreover, it leaves you with a fascinated but at the same time calm and relaxed impression.

What interest me in this architecture ?

I'm interested in the structure, the genius used to do this structure, his resistance at the hurricanes and at the tidal surges... It's so fascinating for me. In addition, this building is sustainable, and I want to work in this domain, I'm interested in this, I think that is the future.


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