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Having a discussion: Asking or giving opinions

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CI 1 : Speaking

Having a discussion: Asking or giving opinions

  1. Listen to these conversations between friends.


Neil : Do you know, I spent about two hours yesterday just opening and answering my emails ? There were about 50 in my inbox since 6pm! I think emails have made life more difficult and not easier at all. What do you ?

Sophie : I guess you’re right. Emailing does seem to have taken over our lives.

Neil : Some people say they only check email once or twice a day.

Sophie : If you ask, it’s a crazy idea. I mean, what if it’s something really urgent?

Neil : The way I see it, that’s exactly why you should phone someone - to get their attention immediately. If you knew your email wouldn’t be read for several hours, you wouldn’t send it - you’d phone, surely.

Sophie : Yes, and did my view, that’s exactly what we should start doing - using the phone again !

Neil : But then we ‘d all be complaining about endless phone calls during our working day !


Lucy :  What do you think about this new suggestion that criminals should meet and apologize to their victims ?

Ralph : I strongly believe  could be helpful to both people, in some cases. But not when the crimes are serious. Personnately I wouldn’t want to meet someone who really hurt me in some way.

Lucy :  Whats is your attitude to people working in the community then, instead of going to prison ?  Are you in favour of having criminals clean the streets outside your house, where children are playing? Because as far as I am concerned, criminals should be kept away from society, not allowed into it.

Ralph : I really think it depends on the crime. I know driving while drunk is a crime, but to my mind, someone who was guilty of that crime wouldn’t be a danger working as a street cleaner.

  1. Saying it accurately.
  1. Complete the sentences with the following words :

Ask – attitude – believe – concerned – honest – see – stand – think

  1. I strongly believe that wealthier people should pay higher taxes.
  2. If you ask me, we’ve got the best national health service in the world.
  3. As far as I’m concerned, university education should be for everyone.
  4. Where do you stand on the issue of global warming?
  5. What’s your attitude to filming serious court cases ? Are you in favour of it?
  6. The way I see it, it’s completely hypocritical of the government.
  7. What do you think about private schools?
  8. To be honest, I haven’t really got a strong opinion about that at all.

  1. Write these phrases in the correct place in the table, according to how forceful they make an opinion sound.

I’m completely sure – I’m absolutely sure – I feel fairly sure – I’m totally convinced – I’m quite worried – I’m 100% sure – I’m utterly convinced – I feel rather strongly – I’m not altogether convinced

Very strong

Not very strong

I’m completely sure

I’m absolutely sure

I’m totally convinced

I’m 100% sure

I’m utterly convinced

I feel fairly sure

I’m quite worried

I feel rather strongly

I’m not altogether convinced

  1. Using the prompts, write opinions about these things. Follow the example and use phrases from Saying it accurately exercises 1 and 2.

What do you think about animal testing on cosmetics? (very forceful)

I strongly believe it’s wrong

  1. Not allowing junk food advertising on TV (not very forceful)

I’m quite worried

  1. Making parenting classes a must for all new parents (very forceful)

I’m 100% sure

  1. Being able to get a driver’s license at 16 (not very forceful)

I’m not altogether convinved

  1. Making public transport free for the unemployed (very forceful)

I’m completely sure

  1. Saying it clearly.

Listen to these opinion phrases, noting the syllable stress.

Personally – to my mind – I’m absolutely sure -  I’m utterly convinced – I strongly believe – As far as I’m concerned –

If you ask me – In my view

  1. Saying it appropriateley.

Listen to the speakers. Choose one option for each recording.

  1. Polite ………………………………………………………Impolite
  2. Interested ……………………………………………….Uninterested.
  3. Neutral ……………………………………………………Expressing a strong opinion.
  4. Sensitive, diplomatic ………………………………. Direct, insensitive. 

Listen again and choose an option. Repeat the sentences as you hear them.

  1. Get speaking.
  1. Ask for and give opinions in these situations. When you hear the beep (pause) and respond. Use the strategy given.
  1. Express your strong opinion on the subject. Ask for someone else’s opinion.
  2. Express a neutral opinion on the subject.
  3. Express your opinion on the subject. Make particular reference to your individual point of view.

  1. Homework : dialogue between 8 and 10 cues

What subjects have you been asked to give your opinion on recently? Was it at your place of study or during an informal discussion with friends? Think about what you said, and write a short conversation based on the dialogue you have just heard. Try to use all the strategies mentioned. Then act it out, practising your pronunciation and stress.


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