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Espaces & échanges

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Par   •  2 Octobre 2018  •  Fiche  •  463 Mots (2 Pages)  •  933 Vues

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Spaces and exchanges

I will talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. To begin with, a space can be geographic like frontiers enter two countries or virtual in internet.  Furthermore, there is different forms of exchanges like those of culture, person or information. I will concentrate the notion on the migration.
Do emigrate improve situation or create new difficulties?

First, we will see the cause of immigration and then the consequences.

Generally, migrants leave their countries to have better living conditions and the United States seems to be the best option bc it is the first economy of the world, the golden door as Emma Lazarus said it in her poem engraved on the pedestal of the Statue of liberty.

The American dream encourage immigrants to come bc America would give the opportunity for prosperity and success with hard work, courage and determination. People thinks everything is possible in America. So immigrants come to improve their future and to find jobs, they do but it is not what they imagined as the cartoon Keep out explain. In it an American employers encourage Mexican migrants to come. They are ready to accept any kind of job even those American doesn’t want. Businessman take advantage of the situation by paying them less and they become cheap labor force in many different sectors like tourism or housing.

Today, Mexicans are the principal flow of immigrants and they are not appreciated as the European were in the early XXth century. The movement of immigration is out of control as the cartoon with the wave show it, Americans saturate and xenophobia in the company of racism increase. White American are afraid to become the new minorities and to be set apart. It is expressed by the comic A power shift in which the white man is becoming concerned about minorities after reading that he will be in the future in the minority. It is true that there is a browning of America specially in the southern state neighbouring the border.  Lots of migrants cross illegally that is why this border became the more watched, there are patrols and even citizen committed against the migration like the most famous group the Minutesmen. This kind of group think government is powerless so they take matters into their hand by for example fixing fence in the desert. On top of that, the desert enter Mexico and USA is very dangerous, hundreds of people died crossing the border each year.

Immigration is a burning typical issue that divided people, it helps some migrants to get away from poverty but I don’t think they are happier in a country in which they are not welcome.
It’s getting worst now that Donald trump is president bc he is doing a restrictive policy anti immigration.


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