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Comment écrire un bon essay d'anglais

Dissertation : Comment écrire un bon essay d'anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Novembre 2018  •  Dissertation  •  327 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 615 Vues

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As each decade the number of injuries and deaths by bullets increases, the authorization to carry firearms is a burning question concerning the United-States. Despite  two very shared camps, I'll demonstrate why citizens  should not be legally allowed to possess firearms.

It is true to say that weapons can help us to defend ourselves, the police intervention time is on average from 4 to 6 minutes and a lot of things can happen when a lunatic runs with a firearm while the citizen can respond more quickly and saved many lives.

However, the number of deaths by mass shooting actually represents only 1,5 % of the deaths by firearms, the real source of all these death are the suicides which represents two thirds of the deaths by guns. The ease of deciding death with firearms makes that a person with a bad pass or nothing but a just weak mental fragility risks giving in to this « ease ».

Furthermore, if the carrying of firearms is banned for citizens and that checks are imposed then i would already limit suicides, but in addition to that, it will no longer be necessary to defend oneself because the difficulty in getting firearms will be much more harder and the total number of death by firearms will decrease.

At the end of the day, pour avoir un véritable avis il faut consulter les statistiques car l'ignorance nous éloigne de la vérité, et cette dernière est que le port d'arme à feu ne sauverais pas plus de vies mais qu'il faudrait plutôt comprendre les maux de la populations pour éviter d'accroître ce nombre de suicides.

At the end of the day, for have a real opinion the statistics must be consulted because ignorances takes away from the truth, and this one is that  the carrying of firearms does not save more lives but that we should rather understand the ills and of the population to avoid the increase of this number of suicides.


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