Children in India
Cours : Children in India. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Anaisanaiisanais • 12 Avril 2018 • Cours • 386 Mots (2 Pages) • 674 Vues
Introduction :
In front of the scale and in the gravity of the situation of the children in the second country the most populated in the world, only concrete programs could really turn out to be effective.
Poverty :
The indication of Realization of the rights of the Child in India is 6.3 on 10 and is situated in the red level it means a difficult situation. The population is of 1.3 billions, among which 29.7 % are children between 0 and 14 years old. The life expectancy is only in 66.4 years old and the mortality rate of the children of less than 5 years old is 38 %. India is strongly marked by the disparities enter the various Indian regions and the various groups of population. The most affected by social inequalities and poverty are the children. Thousands of children are killed every day because of the poverty, but also because of the infanticides practised with complete impunity.
Right to life :
Every day, thousands of Indian girls are killed, because they are not wished and not accepted by their family or because they are too big burdens for their family. To face this problem, numerous Indian families resort to the abortion of the feminine foetus . Or, when the birth of the child is inevitable, families kill the babies girls by the drowning, the poisoning, the breathlessness, or careless deliberately until pull the death of the child. Millions of cases of selective abortions would not be listed by the Indian government. All the minutes, 9 abortions of feminine foetus would be practised in India. The women and the children are most outside in the Indian health system.
Right to health and water :
The disadvantaged children suffer from diseases and from handicap bound to the drinkable water pollution, the absence of adequate purification, as well as a malnutrition which is responsible for 50 % of the infant mortality in India. India has to face a double problem: answer water requirements healthy of the population, necessary for the consumption and for the agriculture; and fight against the distribution of diseases caused by the absence of sufficient purification. The children suffering from the lack of water do not have the possibility of developing in a healthy environment because, neither homes, or schools allow them to benefit from the required minimum of hygiene.