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Can you combine multiculturalism with patriotism?

Dissertation : Can you combine multiculturalism with patriotism?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Novembre 2017  •  Dissertation  •  270 Mots (2 Pages)  •  564 Vues

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Can you combine multiculturalism with patriotism?

I personally think that this subject is extremely important and totally in line with current debates in our societies. That is why we will see that you can combine multiculturalism with patriotism but on condition to respect a few strict rules. And then, why it is beneficial for all citizens.

Multiculturalism, that is the coexistence of diverse cultures, can perfectly coincide with patriotism, that is a sentimental attachment to its homeland. This requires that everyone can assert freely its origins. On the contrary, if the system does not allow this, people will react by advocating more their origin at the expense of patriotism. Numerous conflicts will result from this situation. While, in a more flexible system, people will be grateful of this cultural freedom and will express their love to their host country.

Furthermore, a country where multiculturalism coexist with patriotism is socially optimal. Indeed, this is a situation in which the society is united and it allows to avoid certain futile debates, like for instance the debate about the “burkini” last summer in France. It also enables to focus on critical issues that really affect society like such as the problems of education.

To conclude, therefore I am not convinced that assimilation is the best system. In my view, we would have to find the system that leaves sufficiently freedom while focusing on the importance of traditions and love for the motherland.


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