- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC anglais football américain

Dissertation : BAC anglais football américain. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Mai 2019  •  Dissertation  •  307 Mots (2 Pages)  •  562 Vues

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American football comes down from classic football called "soccer" and rugby.

These two disciplines are combined in North America from 1861.

The first professional players are listed in 1892-1893 but it was not until 1896 to see the first team composed exclusively of professional players The National Football League (NFL) is set up in 1920 to put a therm to the mismanagement in the world of football.


American football is a game of winning ground where the goal is to advance the ball, either by the pass or by running with, until the goal line to score a "touchdown" (6 points).
For this the team has 4 attempts ("downs") to cover 10 yards (a little more than 9 meters), if the team succeeds it gets another 4 attempts to make 10 yards and so on. 
When we score a touchdown we can try to transform it, either with a kick (like rugby) or trying to score a touchdown on a single attempt by starting close to end zone,
A match lasts 4 quarters (12 minutes per quarter at the regional level) the teams change sides of the field at each quarter-time and they have 2 time-outs per half time 


The field measures a total of 120 yards in length, or 110 meters by 53 yards wide (48m). The American rules of the NFL specify the dimensions in foot:

360 feet by 1605.

At each end of the field, we find the end zone  and, at the bottom of this one, the poles The end zone  is 10 yards in length after the goal line It is common to see the penalty areas painted in the home team colors. The land is divided into portions of 5 yards represented by white lines,

A helmet with grills (facemask) shoulder pad  mouth piece
protections on the thighs, hips and knees 


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