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Animal farm

Fiche : Animal farm. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Avril 2017  •  Fiche  •  461 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 540 Vues

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I’m going to deal with the notion « the writer in his century ». During this unit, we have worked on the story ? Animal farm by George Orweel. He was an english author of the early 20th century. This story was written in 1945.

Animal far mis a dystopia, on the 20th century, the feelings of entiety and horror which was the result of the world war two, led to a shift from utopia to dystopia.

How do a writter point at the social issues throughout his work ?

First I will speacka bout an ideal world describe by Orwel, the I will see that this ideal world is in reality a bad society.

        On the first text, the animals are having a meeting, they decide to turn the farm house into a museum. They also talk about how important the harvest is. The pigs are the leaders of the animals, they are two leaders : Napoleon and Snowball. They take lot of decisions for the community, for exemple they have created the principles of animalism with the 7 comandments. All the animals want to create a new ideal society. With this text, Orwel present the beggining of a new community, a new area for the farm house.

        Others authors have written dystopias with Aldous Huxley with the Brave New World. The scene takes place in London, in 632. First, Huxley speak about an ideal society on the future, with differents caste but this society will be transformed into a totalitarian government.

        I will focus on the emerging of a bad society. The second text is about the evolution of animal farm. It’s a meeting about gathering all the animals from the farm to take a decision by taking a vote about the construction of a windmill. Napoleon and Snowball have differents opinions. Napoleon is against the windmill, he became agresive, he want to be the leader of the farm whereas Snowball wants the windmill. He use the language to convince the others.

At the end of the passage, Napoleon decides that they will be no more debates. It’s the end of the democracy and the end of freedom of speech. The others animals are manipulate by Napoleon. This society become a totalitatrian society. On the Brave New World, the society is also changing to a bad society without democracy ond freedom.

On their work, Orwell an Huxley present an idel society, with many rules. At first, their books are utopia, but finally, the world is changing to a dangerous society with no freedom for a part of the population. The two authors critisize the totalitarism around the world withe their dystopias.


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